Energy Facility Siting Council meetings are open to the public. People who want to participate may address the council during the agenda item Public Comment and other designated agenda items. See meeting materials below for more information.
Item C: Application Process Phase 2 Rulemaking (Action Item)
Item E: Exemptions Rulemaking Initiation (Action Item)
Item F: Modernization Rulemaking Initiation (Action Item)
Item G: Wildfire Mitigation Plan Templates (Information Item)
Item H: Cascade Renewable Transmission Project (Action Item)
Item C: Mist Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility RFA13 (Action Item)
Item E: 2025 Rulemaking Schedule (Action Item)
Item F: Fish and Wildlife Habitat Standard Review (Information Item)
Item G: Siting Division Compliance Program Update (Information Item)
Item H: Madras Solar Energy Facility, Council Review of Draft Proposed Order (Information Item)
Item C: Land Use Standard and Goal Exception Overview (Information Item)
Item E: Initiation of Rulemaking Alignment Phase 2 (Action Item)
Item F: Annual Financial Assurance Evaluation (Action Item)
Item G: Biennial Fee Update (Action Item)
Item D: Madras Solar Energy Facility Amendment 1: Draft Proposed Order Public Hearing (Public Hearing)
Item C: Carbon Monetary Offset Permanent Rulemaking (Action item)
Item D: Research Reactor Permanent Rulemaking (Action Item)
Item F: Yellow Rosebush Energy Center Hearing Officer Appointment (Action Item)
Item G: Mist Natural Gas Underground Storage Facility, Council Review of the Draft Proposed Order for Amendment 13 (Information Item)
Item C: Mist Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility: Draft Proposed Order on Request for Amendment 13 (Public Hearing)
Item D: Wagon Trail Solar Project, Application for Site Certificate: Proposed Order Review, Possible Material Change Hearing and Public Notice of Possible Hearing to Adopt Final Order(Action Item)
Item E: Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility East, Construction Compliance Update (Information Item)
Item G: Sunstone Solar Project, Council Review of the Draft Proposed Order on Application for Site Certificate (Information)
Item H: Contested Case Rulemaking Final Decision (Action Item)
Item I: Tribal Government Rulemaking Initiation (Action Item)
Item J: Review of EFSC's Wildfire Prevention and Risk Mitigation Standard (OAR 345-022-0115) (Information Item)
Item A: Sunstone DPO Public Hearing
Item C: Carbon Offset Rulemaking Public Hearing
Item D :The Climate Trust Annual Audit Update & 5-year Report
Item G: Boardman to Hemingway Request for Amendment 2 – Council Decision on Requests for Contested Case, Possible Material Change Hearing and Public Notice of Hearing to Adopt Final Order
Item D: Carbon Offset Rulemaking
Item E: Research Reactor Rulemaking
Item F: DEQ Solar Noise Rulemaking
Item G: Public Notice Discussion
Item H- Process Improvement Annual Workplan
Item B: Wagon Trail Solar Council Review of the Draft Proposed Order
Item E:Boardman to Hemingway Request for Amendment 2 Council Review of the Draft Proposed Order
Item F: Sunstone Solar Project Hearing Officer Appointment
Item B: Wagon Trail Solar Draft Proposed Order Public Hearing
Item D: Wheatridge Renewable Energy East Request for Amendment 1, Review of Contested Case requests and possible Final Decision
Item F: Leaning Juniper IIA Request for Amendment 3, Review of Review of Contested Case requests and possible Final Decision
Item G: Contested Case Rulemaking
Item C: Application Process Phase 2 Informal Initiation of Rulemaking
Item E: Wheatridge Renewable Energy East Request for Amendment 1, Review of the Draft Proposed Order
Item F: Leaning Juniper IIA Request for Amendment 3, Review of the Draft Proposed Order
Item G: Summit Ridge Wind Site Certificate Termination
Item B: Contested Case Rulemaking
Item C: 2024 Site Certificate Amendment Rulemaking
Item F: Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Plan
Item G: Financial Assurance Review – Forms and Institutions
Item H: Operations and Policy Analyst Process Improvement Work Plan
Item I: Request to Amend Mitigation Plans
Item B: Standby Generator Exemptions Permanent Amended Rules
Item C: Recommended Rulemaking Schedule
Item E: The Climate Trust Annual Financial Audit for 2023
Item F: Annual Compliance Overview
Item C - Standby Generator Rulemaking Initiation Request:
Item E - Obsidian Solar Center Proposed Order on Request for Amendment 1:
Item F - Annual Financial Assurance Review Forms and Verified Institutions:
Item B - Radioactive Material Enforcement Rulemaking (Public Hearing)
Item D - Obsidian Solar Center, Council Review of Draft Proposed Order on Amendment 1
Item G- Radioactive Material Enforcement Rulemaking
Item D - Appointment of Consultant for Exhibit S Review (Historic, Cultural and Archeological Resources)
Item B - Application Process Review - Phase 1 Rulemaking
Item E - Summit Ridge Wind Farm Financial Institution List Request
Item F - Muddy Creek Energy Project Appointment of Special Advisory Groups
Item B - DLCD Farm and Forest Report Presentation
Item E - Columbia River Transmission System Application Special Advisory Group Appointments Staff Report
Attachment 2: City of Medford Council SAG Order
April 10-11May 15-16June 12-13July 17-18August 21-22September 18-19October 23-24November 20-21December 18-19*Subject to change
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