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We love helping young Oregonians learn more about energy!
Please feel free to download and print these activities for personal or classroom use. 

Looking for other information for your energy curriculum? Please contact us – we can help.

​Activity ​Details
Coloring Book Cover English.png

​Michelle's Renewable Energy Adventure​

ODOE's coloring and activity book is great for all ages. Some of the activities are good for older kids, or younger kids with help from parents.

Written and illustrated by Jessica ​Brown.
Coloring Book Cover Spanish.png

La Aventura de Energia Renovable

Este libro para colorear y actividades es para todas las edades. Algunas de las actividades son buenas para los niños mayores o para los más pequeños con la ayuda de los adultos.

Escrito e ilustrado por Jessica Brown
Solar Oven.png

Make a Solar Oven

This fun activity is for all ages, with adult supervision. Make a solar oven out of a pizza box to bake cookies, roast marshmallows, and more.

Watch h​ow here!
Potato Battery Activity.png

​Make a Potato Battery

This fun activity is for all ages, with adult supervision. With a few household items, you can make a potato-powered clock. (You can also buy a kit online.)
Energy Audit Activity.png

​Home Energy Audit

Another great activity for kids of all ages, and the results are helpful to adults! A few simple tests will show you how energy efficient your home is.
School Audit.png

School Energy Audit​

This activity is great for teachers to download and complete with their students. And the results can help schools identify energy-efficient improvements. 
Wind Turbine Activity.png

Make a Wind Turbine

Great for young kids with adult supervision. Make a wind turbine out of paper and a dowel (or pencil). 
Energy Crossword.png

Energy Crossword

Good for older kids and teens.

Word Search.png

Energy Word Search

Good for older kids and teens.


Renewable Energy in Oregon

​ ​Contact ODOE:

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