The U.S. EPA's Solar for All competitive grant program, made available under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund is focused on providing benefits from solar energy to low-income households and disadvantaged communities.

The Oregon Department of Energy, together with our partners Energy Trust of Oregon and Bonneville Environmental Foundation, have been awarded an $86.6 Million Solar for All Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The award was
announced on April 22, 2024.
Through a
competitive process, The U.S. EPA awarded 60 Solar for All grants totaling $7 billion to states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and nonprofits to expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities primed for residential solar investment—enabling millions of low-income households to access affordable, resilient, and clean solar energy.
The U.S. EPA was looking to fund programs that accomplish three main objectives:
- Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants.
- Deliver benefits to greenhouse gas- and air pollution-reducing projects to American communities, particularly low-income and disadvantaged communities.
- Mobilize financing and private capital to stimulate additional deployment of greenhouse gas- and air pollution-reducing projects.
The Oregon Solar For All Coalition intends to use the first year of the program for additional planning. Read the
narrative submitted for this application for additional details. Please note our proposal is subject to change based on potential negotiations with the U.S. EPA.
July 31, 2023
| Notice of Intent Due
August 8, 2023
| Webinar Overview (see details below)
October 11, 2023
| Oregon Application Submitted (read narrative here)
April 22, 2024
| U.S. EPA announced awardees, including $86.6 Million for Oregon
July 1, 2024
| Expected date that U.S. EPA will finalize award agreements
First Year of Award
| Solar For All Coalition program planning
Stakeholder Engagement