In 2023, Oregon’s legislature passed House Bill 3409, directing the Oregon Department of Energy to stand up a program that will provide $2 million in grants for projects delivering information and technical training to new and existing workers and contractors to conduct energy efficient installations and renovations.
Grant Opportunity Announcement
ODOE has made funding available for this competitive grant through an Opportunity Announcement. The opportunity announcement will be open from December 2, 2024 through January 17, 2025.
Training providers who qualify are encouraged to submit an application (pdf) | (Word version) by the deadline. This opportunity is open to training providers for programs delivering training in one of four categories:
Full details and program requirements are available in the Program Guide and Opportunity Announcement.
All application documents must be emailed to by January 17, 2025.
Questions regarding the program or application process can be emailed to by January 14.
Program Budget
HB 3409 Sections 1-5 recognize the impact the built environment has on greenhouse gas emissions. The legislature allocated $2 million to the Energy Efficiency Technologies Information and Training Fund to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by accelerating the installation of heat pumps and other energy efficient appliances. ODOE has been directed to prioritize environmental justice communities and individuals who reside in houses and structures that do not have a functioning, adequate, or affordable heating or cooling system. The purpose of the fund is to reduce barriers to home energy efficiency and resiliency by providing:
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