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​​​​​​ If you would like to request records from the Oregon Department of Energy, ​​you may access our public records request form​ here. Please be as specific as possible about the type of documents or information that you are seeking. 

**Please note: this records request form is for Oregon Department of Energy records only. If you are seeking other public ​records, please be sure to request them from the relevant agency or organization.**

Request Form 

You may request records through our online public records request form. You will be able to create an account in the system that will remember your information for future requests, and allow you to review past requests entered through this system. Please contact us if you have questions or ​run into any issues. 

Responding to Your Request 

Once your request has been received, an ODOE staff member will be in touch with more information:

  • We may request additional information or clarification to expedite our response. 
  • We'll let you know whether ODOE holds the requested records, plus details on how accessible the records are.
  • We'll provide you with an estimate of the time and fees, if applicable, required to make the records available to you.

  • W​e'll communicate and cite any applicable state or federal law that prohibits the disclosure of records requested. Some records may fall under an exemption and therefore cannot be released, or alternatively, might be released with redactions.


Oregon Public Records Law allows agencies to recover actual costs to fulfill a public records request. While there is n​​o charge for the first 30 minutes of staff time to search for and obtain the information you are seeking, there might be a charge if the request is large and takes more than 30 minutes to respond to. If the fee to respond to your request is greater than $25, ODOE will provide you with written notice of the estimated cost.

Some public records requests made to ODOE are quite large, covering years of potential material. In the case that your request is substantial, we will work with you to focus your request to minimize response time and costs. If a fee has been determined, we will not fulfill the request until we have written confirmation that you want to proceed​ and the fee has been paid.

  • Clerical: $25 per hour
  • Professional/technical: $40 per hour
  • Information technology: $75 per hour
  • ​Actual attorney fees charged to the department for the cost of time spent by an attorney reviewing the request and the resulting records, redacting material from public records, or segregating the public records into exempt and non-exempt records.

​Seeking information related to our incentive programs? You might find what you need by visiting our Data and Reports section or the State of Oregon Transparency website , where each year we publish an overview of these programs.

Request a Public Record:

​​​​Contact our Public Records Coordinator:

Michelle Miller Harrington

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