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​​​​To help us develop programs and policies that will best serve Ore​gonians, the Oregon Department of Energy seeks input from energy experts and community members.​

Current advisory and stakeholder groups are listed below.

If you are interested in serving on a current or future group, please si​gn up to receive email updates from​ us.

Interested in providing public comments on ODOE-related projects or policies? Visit our Rulemaking page or our Energy Facility Siting page for more information.

Current ODOE Advisory & Stakeholder Groups

Energy Advisory Work Group​Reviews and makes recommendations for ODOE's budget; legislative concepts; and planning, policy, and technical analyses.
​Energy Code Stakeholder ​Panel​
​This panel is working to implement Governor Brown's Executive Order 20-04, and will discuss energy code development and code specifications and calculations, and​ will inform ODOE's code consultation to Oregon’s Building Codes Division.
​​Community Renewable Energy Grant Program Advisory Committee
​The advisory committee supports the development of a $50 million​ grant program that ensures communities across Oregon share in the opportunity to develop renewable energy and energy resilience projects. 
​ODOE Stud​ies and Reports

​​ODOE is working on a number of studies and reports, which often have a stakeholder/public engagement approach. Visit the studies and reports page to find out more.
Zero Emission Vehicle Interagency Working Group (ZEVIWG)​The ZEVIWG is tasked with implementing Governor Kate Brown's Executive Order 17-21, which creates a state-wide ​goal to increase the number of zero-emission vehicles in the stat​e to 50,000 by the end of 2020.​

Groups Appointed by Oregon's Governor/Legislature
​These groups are appointed by Oregon's Governor or Legislature. ODOE staff provide support.
Energy Facility Siting Council​​Responsible for overseeing the development of large electric generating facilities, high voltage transmission lines, gas pipelines, radioactive waste disposal sites, and other projects.
Oregon Climate Action Commission​​Recommends ways to coordinate state and local efforts to reduce Oregon's greenhou​se gas emissions, and to recommend efforts to prepare for the effects of climate change.
Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board

​Provides input to the United States Department of Energy and its regulators on the Hanford cleanup.

ODOE Participation in Groups Hosted by Other Agencies/Organizations

Oregon Forest Biomass Working Group​Forum for sharing, problem solving, and knowledge creation relating to forest biomass. Also offers education, strategic recommendations, and advice regarding biomass.
Oregon ​Ocean Policy Advisory Council​Makes recommendations on ocean policy, ranging from ocean-based energy generation to developing marine reserves in the territorial sea.
National Association of State Energy Officials​NASEO facilitates peer learning among state energy officials, serves as a resource for and about state energy offices, and advocates for the interests of state energy offices to Congress and federal agencies. 
Energy Trust of Oregon Board
​Director Janine Benner is a non-voting Special Advisor member of the Energy Trust of Oregon's Board of Directors. The board provides oversight and sets the organization's strategic direction, policies, and budget.  As a Special Advisor, the ODOE Director advises Energy Trust on the state of Oregon's energy priorities. 
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
​Ruchi Sadhir is the Governor's appointed representative for the State of Oregon on the NEEA board. The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is an alliance of utilities and energy efficiency organizations that pools resources and shares risks to transform the market for energy efficiency to the benefit of consumers in the Northwest.
Every Mile Counts
​Every Mile Counts is a collaboration between ODOE, ODOT, DEQ, and DLCD to identify and implement actions to help support ODOT's Statewide Transportation Strategy: ! 2050 Vision for Greenhouse Gas Reduction vision. Established through direction from Governor Kate Brown, the agencies focus on actions that require interagency collaboration to move forward.
Hanford Advisory Board
​The HAB is a non-partisan and broadly representative body consisting of a balanced mix of the diverse interests that are affected by Hanford cleanup issues. As set forth in its charter, the primary mission of the Board is to provide informed recommendations and advice to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) on selected major policy issues related to the cleanup of the Hanford site. ODOE has a dedicated seat on the HAB to represent Oregon. The seat is held by the NSEP Assistant Director; and there are two alternate seats held by NSEP staff.
National Governors Association Federal Facilities Task Force
​The mission of the FFTF is to bring together governor-designated representatives with U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) officials to examine critical technical, policy and budget issues and improve coordination of major program decisions on a range of issues related to radioactive material and waste associated primarily with the DOE historic nuclear weapons program facilities that are currently managed by DOE Environmental Management (EM) division. The NSEP Assistant Director represents Oregon on the FFTF. The representative is appointed by the Governor.
NW Interstate Compact on Low Level Radioactive Waste Management
​The guiding policy of the compact is the protection of health and safety through the cooperative effort of the party states, and economical management of low-level radioactive wastes within the compact region. The NSEP radioactive materials specialist (Jeff Burright) represents Oregon. The representative is appointed by the Governor.
Western Interstate Energy Board
​WIEB is an organization of 11 western states and 2 Canadian provinces that was formed our of the Western Interstate Nuclear Compact. The Board provides a forum and resources for member states to "enhance the economy of the West and contribute to the well-being of the regions' people." ODOE Director, Janine Benner, is the Governor-appointed member of WIEB. The Board consists of two committees intersecting with ODOE's work. ODOE is a representative to the High-Level Radioactive Waste Committee, which consists of experts from U.S. DOE, state energy, public safety, and environmental agencies to develop a safe and publically acceptable system for transporting radioactive waste. The Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation is an informal committee comprised of public utility commissioners, energy agencies, and consumer advocates coordinating to improve the overall efficiency of the western grid. Studies and data provided by these bodies inform ODOE's programs and analyses. Engaging with members of the Board and its committees provides ODOE with insight energy policy actions occurring across the West.
WIEB - High-Level Radioactive Waste Committee
​The High-Level Radioactive Waste Committee is composed of representatives from eleven Western states who have expertise in the realm of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste transportation. Since the 1980s, the HLRW Committee has engaged with this topic, offering comments, analyzing proposals, developing policies, and interacting with federal, industry, tribal, and other state regional groups. The HLRW Committee performs some of this work under a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. DOE Office of Nuclear Energy. Oregon is represented by the NSEP radioactive material transportation coordinator (Mark Reese); the position is appointed by the ODOE director.
Western Governors Association Waste Isolation Pilot Project Transportation Advisory Group
​The WGA WIPP TAG committee coordinates and supports planning efforts for the safe shipment of transuranic waste from the DOE EM sites to the WIPP facility in New Mexico. Oregon is represented by the NSEP radioactive material transportation coordinator (Mark Reese). The representative is appointed by the Governor.
State and Tribal Government Working Group
​State and Tribal Government Working Group (STGWG) convenes representatives from states and Native American tribes that host or are otherwise affected by DOE sites or facilities associated with the production and cleanup of the nuclear weapons complex. Since its inception in 1989 STGWG and DOE senior leadership have convened meetings and promoted information sharing among states, tribes, and DOE offices to foster relationships and improve communications. These ongoing interactions have resulted in an improved understanding of cleanup priorities. Oregon is represented on STWGW by the NSEP division Hanford Ecologist (Sara Lovtang)
Western Petroleum Shortage Response Collaborative (NASEO-supported)
​The Western Petroleum Shortage Response Collaborative (WPSRC) was created to facilitate the coordination and development of a regional catastrophic fuel response framework among a subset of western states. This initiative is a state-driven acknowledgment of the need to work together and share resources to best address state and regional petroleum shortage preparedness needs. Oregon is represented by NSEP emergency fuel planner (Deanna Henry).
Hanford Natural Resources Trustee Council
​The Hanford Natural Resource Trustee Council is a collaborative working group chartered to address natural resources impacted by Hanford Site releases of hazardous substances. The objectives of the NRTC are: To help ensure that natural resource values are fully considered in decision-making related to the Hanford Site; To integrate, to the extent practicable, natural resource restoration into cleanup actions and to minimize additional injuries to natural resources during cleanup. To encourage the development and implementation of sitewide natural resource planning which supports mitigation, restoration, and management goals, and encompasses good stewardship practices. Oregon is represented​ on the HNRTC by the NSEP division Hanford Ecologist (Sara Lovtang) as the primary trustee, and by the NSEP division Assistant Director (Max ​Woods) as the senior trustee.

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