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Safety & Resilience

​​​​​​The Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board is a 20-member advisory group and includes 10 citizen members, six state legislators, and representatives from the Governor's Office, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, and two state agencies. 
Cleanup Board Responsibilities
The Board provides input to the United States Department of Energy (USDOE) ​and its regulators on the Hanford cleanup. The Board's key responsibilities include:

  • Recommending state policy to the Governor and the Legislative Assembly.
  • Keeping key cleanup issues visible.
  • Holding USDOE and its contractors accountable.
  • Bringing Hanford issues to the public.
  • Conveying that the cleanup is a regional issue and that Oregon has a stake in the outcome. Oregon's primary role at Hanford is to ensure cleanup decisions are protective of the Columbia River.
The Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board meets at locations throughout Oregon, though principally in communities along the Columbia River. Its meetings are open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend and participate.

At the meetings, representatives of the U.S. Department of Energy, contractors, Washington Department of Ecology, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Oregon Department of Energy staff brief the Board about a wide variety of issues associated with the Hanford Site. 

Board Members

​Name ​Representing
​​Jeff Wyatt, Chair
​Member of the Public
​Steven Bedrick, Vice Chair
Member of the Public
​Laura Feldman
​Member of the Public
​Maddie Stitzel
​Member of the Public
​Jim Doherty
​Member of the Public
​​Miya Burke​
​Member of the Public
​Michael Freeman
​Member of the Public​
​Thomas Roberts ​​Member of the Public and Representative of a Local Emergency Response Organization in Eastern Oregon
Geoff Huntington​
​Governor's Office
Janine Benner
​Oregon Department of Energy
​Aaron Ashley
​Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Tim Seymour ​Oregon Water Resources
Senator Bill Hansell ​Oregon State Senator (Athena)
Representative Mark Gamba ​Oregon State Representative (Milwaukie)
Senator Chris ​Gorsek
​Oregon State Senator (Troutdale)
​Representative Bobby Levy
​Oregon State Representative (Echo)
​Member of the Public​
​Member of the Public​
​Oregon State Senator
​Oregon State Representative
The Oregon Department of Energy is currently recruiting volunteers​ to serve on the Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board​. 

Interested in becoming an Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board member?
The Governor makes appointments to the Board. Learn more on the Governor's website​ .


Cleanup Board Meetings
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Next Meeting​
January 21, 2025​

Legislative Reports

​​​​​​​​Sign Up For Email Updates​

Board Publications
2014 Hanford's Central Plateau
2002 River Without Waste Report​
​​​​ ​Contact the Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board:

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