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Safety & Resilience

Guidebook Cover.pngThe Oregon Department of Energy developed the Oregon Guidebook for Local Energy Resilience as a resource for Oregon’s consumer-owned utilities. 

The guidebook is intended to help COU staff identify incremental actions they can take today to:
  • Improve business continuity planning
  • Develop a framework to prioritize investments in distributed energy resources
  • Better understand the role of local utilities within the context of federal, state, and local emergency management planning.

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The guidebook was developed with input from several Oregon COUs, who shared their resilience actions and goals.
Learn more.

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We also dive in to a number of resilience topics, including distributed energy resources, State of Oregon emergency planning resources, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's role, and others. Read on.

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Many state, local, and federal resources can help COUs become more resilient. See the list.

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