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Energy in Oregon

​​​​​​​​The Oregon Solar Dashboard was developed to share information about solar energy facilities installed in Oregon. 

​Solar facilities are categorized by system size, date of installation, and sector (residential, commercial, or utility). Residential and commercial sector facilities primarily consist of roof-mounted projects i​nterconnected through net metering agreements. Utility sector facilities are typically larger and ground-mounted, and sell output directly to a utility. Please note the sizes of dots shown on maps are scaled to the amount of energy produced, not the physical footprint or land area of facilities.​ This data is current through 2022. ​


Click on the tabs along the top of the dashboard to show solar energy development trends. 

About the Project

The Oregon De​partment of Energy developed the Oregon Solar Dashboard in partnership with regional utility, solar industry, and community partners. The work was made possible in part through a federal grant provided by the U.S. Department of Energy; known regionally as Sola​r Plus, the project includes partners in Oregon and Washington. Thanks to Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, Idaho Power, Eugene Water and Electric Board, and Ashland Municipal Electric Utility for providing data to ODOE. Regional partners include Energy Trust of Oregon, Renewable Northwest, Oregon Solar Energy Industries Association, and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, which supported the project through data sharing and design support.

About the Data

The database developed to support this dashboard remains a work in progress, and many of the desired data fields are not available for all facilities. For example, most residential and commercial solar facilities show DC capacity of the PV modules, while the majority of utility facilities are reported based on the AC capacity of the inverters. In addition to periodic updates to reflect new solar installations, ODOE seeks to improve the accuracy and completeness of the data for existing projects. As we continue to develop the database, we hope to find new data partners and consider new ways the dashboard and database may bring value to stakeholders.

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