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Salem, OR 97301
Our office is open 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Phone: 503-378-4040​
Toll-free: 800-221-8035​
Fax: â€‹503-373-7806

ODOE is supporting a hybrid remote/in-office schedule for most staff members, so please reach out if you are trying to connect with a specific team member. You can keep an eye on ODOE’s events calendar for upcoming meetings and information about whether they will be in person, virtual, or both. You can also sign up to receive email updates to hear about opportunities to get involved and updates on the energy topics you care about.
Attention Suppliers: Register on Oregon Buys. Our agency is using the OregonBuys eProcurement System to process procurement-related purchasing activities. You must have an OregonBuys supplier account to continue doing business with us and to gain access to ODOE RFPs, RFQs, and RFIs. Visit the OregonBuys webpage for instructions on registering for a free account, tips for using the system, and the phone number to call if you need help.

​Energy Incentive Programs
​Government Relations
Christy Splitt
​Human Resources
Linda Bures

​Media Contact
Jennifer Kalez
​Public Records Request
​​Online Portal

​​​All Staff Directory


Director's Office

Janine BennerDirector503-378-4040
Majed HarfoucheInternal Auditor971-240-2799
Stacey HeubergerOffice Operations Analyst503-400-5921
Tony RaekerProgram Coordinator503-400-5426 


Jennifer KalezCommunications Director / Media Contact503-480-9239
Erica EuenPublic Affairs Specialist503-881-9075
Katelyn JacksonPublic Affairs Specialist503-551-7334

Strategic Engagement

Ruchi SadhirAssociate Director, Strategic Engagement & Development / Tribal Liaison971-209-0996
Michelle Miller HarringtonPolicy Analyst/Public Records Requests503-931-1469
Sarah Moehrke Community Navigator503-508-2352
Lauren RosensteinCommunity Equity & Inclusion Analyst503-881-9790
Christy SplittGovernment Relations Coordinator503-510-4473

Human Resources

Linda BuresAssociate Director, Human Resources503-400-0926
Karlene Ashby Human Resource Analyst 971-209-6209
Jenifer SmithHuman Resource Analyst971-304-6795
Kate SteeleHuman Resource Analyst971-240-7520


Alan ZelenkaAssistant Director, Energy Planning & Innovation541-228-6331
Jennifer Villanueva Division Assistant503-551-9558

​​Technology & Policy

Jessica ReichersEnergy Technology & Policy Manager971-209-8039
Hugh ArceneauxPolicy Analyst 503-428-7398
Edith BayerEnergy Policy Team Lead503-339-6165
Geoff CrookSenior Climate Policy Analyst: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Climate Change, Oregon Climate Action Commission, Transformative Integrated Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan Climate Vulnerability Assessment503-551-2235
Rob Del MarSenior Policy Analyst: Solar, Community Renewable Energy Program, Geothermal, Central Oregon Regional Solutions503-302-7027
Jillian DiMedioSenior Policy Analyst: Hydrogen & Transportation Electrification 503-689-7463
Evan EliasEnergy Analyst: Transportation and Fuels503-510-1462
Michael FreelsSenior Policy Analyst: Natural Gas and Alternative Fuels503-551-6873
Bilal JonesEnergy Research Analyst503-689-0773
Mary Kopriva Economist971-398-5417
Joshua PriceOregon Energy Strategy Project Manager971-239-8204
Elizabeth RutherNatural & Working Lands Policy Analyst503-551-1358
Joni Sliger Senior Clean Electricity Policy Analyst 503-508-9959
Jason SiermanSenior Policy Analyst: Electricity, IOUs, Transmission, Storage, Smart Grid, Offshore Wind, Marine Energy, Offshore Wind Study503-930-5005
Wendy SimonsEnergy Policy Analyst: Legislative Coordination, Rules Coordination, Agriculture971-707-0044

​​Energy Efficiency & Conservation

Andy CameronEnergy Efficiency and Conservation Manager971-270-3436
Josie CardwellEnergy Analyst: Workforce Development, Energy Efficiency Training503-510-6044
Tom ElliottEnergy Analyst: Rural and Agricultural Energy Assistance , LECPPP (self-direct),  USDOE SEP, Schools503-428-0726
Bailey HarrisResearch Analyst: GIS503-508-8190
David HutchinsonEnergy Policy Analyst: heat pump reporting and analytics503-510-8133
Roger KainuEnergy Analyst: Home performance, residential energy code, community outreach503-580-7469
Stephanie KruseFacilities Engineer: Building Energy Efficiency; Electricity Resource Mix, Rural and Agricultural Energy Assistance, Schools; Heat Pumps503-400-0778
Tracy RichardsonProgram Analyst: Schools Data503-373-2294
Christie SphoonSchools Program Lead: Schools, SB 1149, Energy Audits for Schools503-689-0500
Amanda Welch Energy Analyst: public buildings and energy efficiency policy503-508-3706

​​Energy Codes and Standards

Blake ShelideCodes and Standards Manager: Building Codes, Appliance and Equipment Standards, Building Performance Standards Program503-580-2598
Lisa GartlandCodes and Standards Engineer 503-428-9875
Madeline O’DwyerCodes and Standards Analyst 503-383-8472
Kenneth DaviesBuilding Performance Standards Program Analysts 503-378-4040
Andrew JohnsonBuilding Performance Standards Program Analysts 971-433-9307


Geoff CrookSenior Climate Policy Analyst: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Climate Change, Oregon Climate Action Commission, Transformative Integrated Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan Climate Vulnerability Assessment503-551-2235
Tori LeahyClimate Action Research Analyst503-480-5567
Amy SchlusserSenior Climate Action Policy Analyst: Clean Energy, Renewable Energy, Renewable Portfolio Standard, Community Renewables, Voluntary Renewable Energy, Small Scale Community Renewables Study503-428-9757


Pandian KrishnaswamyAssistant Director, Energy Development Services503-508-1244
Duard HeadleyEnergy Incentives Manager503-383-8104 
Kayla BarbozaHeat Pump Incentives Program Analyst503-805-8162 
James CogleIncentive Programs Operations Policy Analyst503-510-9726 
Clay DeckertSenior Incentives Analyst - Grid Resilience503-931-2119
Kristina DonnellySenior Incentives Analyst - Homes/HEAR503-428-9705
Alyssa DukeIncentives Analyst: Grid Resilience 503-428-7382
Jennifer HaynesWildfire Recovery Incentives Program Analyst503-510-7206 
Darcey Huecker Division Assistant503-510-5961
Brenda HuntProgram Assistant - Heat Pumps503-385-5916
Jason KnouseCommunity Renewable Energy Grant Program Analyst503-806-6641 
Kaitlin LynchIncentives Analyst971-273-6061
Patricia PhillipsCommunity Renewables Incentives Analyst503-510-8627
Dale VaringSolar Rebate Assistant503-580-1398
Toby WhiteSolar Rebate Assistant971-239-6765


Vincent BishopAccountant503-508-5596


Todd CornettAssistant Director, Energy Siting503-428-2962
Sarah EstersonSenior Policy Advisor971-239-7087
Christopher ClarkSenior Siting Analyst503-871-7254
Sisily FlemingSiting Fiscal Analyst503-559-7081
Nancy HatchAdministrative Specialist503-428-7905
Thomas JackmanRulemaking Coordinator503-551-7603
Bibi BartleyOperations Analyst503-428-9716
Duane KilsdonkSiting Compliance Officer503-983-6484
Chase McVeigh-WalkerSenior Siting Analyst971-600-5323
Egan Bull Siting Compliance Officer503-551-4156
Kathleen SloanSenior Siting Analyst971-701-4913
Kellen TardaewetherSenior Siting Analyst503-586-6551


Maxwell WoodsAssistant Director, Nuclear Safety & Emergency Preparedness503-551-8209
Matthew Hendrickson Radioactive Waste Remediation Specialist503-806-7476 
Sara LovtangHanford Ecologist971-718-2030
Traci NaileEnergy Security Manager503-378-4040
Mark ReeseRadiological Emergency Planning Coordinator503-884-3895
Hannah SateinCounty Energy Resilience Program Coordinator971-240-3577
Tom SiciliaHanford Hydrogeologist503-508-8333


VacantAssistant Director, Central Services503-378-4040
Emily SalmeriFiscal Analyst - Federal Grants Officer 971-209-6718 
Cecilia JensenFiscal Analyst - Federal Grants Officer503-428-6571

​​Information Services

Jeff CarmanCIO/IT Manager503-400-2542
Jeremy BarnesBusiness Analyst503-551-9826
Jim GoresData Analyst503-510-4891
Jesse McIntoshDynamics 365 / Power Platform Developer971-304-8139
Dan Meloy Web Developer503-339-6846
VacantHelp Desk Analyst503-378-4040
Nick RayApplication Administrator503-559-5884
Jamshid Sediqi Systems Administrator503-580-7905
Nick WadgeSenior Software Engineer503-510-7115

​​​​Finance & Operations

Danae HammittFinance & Operations Manager971-240-2918
John BakerAccounting Technician503-931-1942
Maggie CarrascoAccountant503-400-5194
Karolina FallertAccountant503-508-9276
Michael GradyAccounting Technician503-400-1439
Cecilia Jensen Grants Officer503-428-6571
Sopie Kouame Procurement and Contract Specialist503-510-9973
Wendy LorimorAR & Cash Receipts Coordinator503-428-6412
Saturnina MendozaReceptionist503-378-4040
Jessica MillerProcurement and Contract Specialist971-239-2590
Alex Sanderson Procurement and Contract Specialist971-273-9778
Monty SchindlerBudget Analyst503-480-5036
Gail SullivanProcurement and Contract Specialist 971-240-1657
Heather Tyre Budget Analyst503-480-9951
Heidi WheelerPurchasing & Contracts Officer503-569-2522

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