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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program is a formula award made available to states and Tribes through the Infrastructure Investm​ent and Jobs Act (IIJA)​
​The Oregon Department of Energy awarded about $1.2 million in grants to eligible local governments for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and transportation-related projects. 

Program Funding

Updated July 31​​, 2024

Program Background

​​The “EECBG” grant program is a formula award made available to states and tribes through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Section 40552, which amended Sections 542 and 544 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The objective of the funds, as outlined by the US Department of Energy (U.S. DOE), is to:
  • Reduce fossil fuel emissions in a manner that is environmentally sustainable & maximizes benefits to communities.
  • Reduce a community's total energy use.
  • Improve energy efficiency in transportation, buildings, and other sectors.
  • Build a clean and equitable energy economy that prioritizes disadvantaged communities and promotes equity and inclusion in workforce opportunities and deployment activities, consistent with the Justice40 Initiative.
The legislation allowed for allocations to states, territories, Tribes, and certain local governments. The formula is based largely on population, with direct allocations to local governments being based on the top 10 most populous counties and cities within their state (or cities that have a population of at least 35,000 and counties that have a population of more than 200,000). The state of Oregon's allocation is $1,941,990.

As part of this program, states are required to subgrant at least 60 percent of the funding to eligible communities that did not otherwise receive a direct grant from the U.S. DOE. The remaining 40 percent of federal funds, as well as the state's match, are available for the state to implement an energy efficiency project, administration of this grant program, and technical assistance to aid subgrantees in the implementation of their projects.

Allowable activities, as accepted in ODOE's grant application, include the following:

  • Energy Efficiency:
    • Building audits and retrofits, including grid interactivity, electrification, and Home Energy Scoring.
    • Energy Savings Performance Contracts for efficiency and electrification in municipal buildings.
    • Building efficiency and electrification campaigns.
  • Renewables:
    • Solar installations and battery storage, such as power purchase agreements and direct ownership.
  • Transportation:
    • Electric vehicles for municipal fleets.
    • EV charging infrastructure for the community.

    Allowable activities do not include purchasing of new land or construction of a new building or facility. 

    ODOE intends to comply with the Justice40 Initiative, which directs that 40 percent of all benefits from IIJA funding flow to disadvantaged communities. Disadvantaged communities are identified at the census tract level on the Climate and Environmental Justice Tool (CEJST) map, found here. Made available by the White House, the CEJST map was developed by the Council on Environmental Quality using high quality datasets that identify climate, environmental, and other burdens on communities. ​​

    Stakeholder Engagement ​

    Coordinating with the state and adjacent communities is a requirement of the EECBG program. Local communities who received a direct allocation can communicate their program plans to ODOE here.

    Questions and feedback can be directed to

    ​Public Meeting
    Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant Informational Webinar
    March 20, 2024
    1 - 2 p.m.
    Meeting Pre​sentation​
    Meeting Recording​

    Program ​​Timeline
    ​ODOE Submitted Application for Funding to U.S. Department of Energy
    ​July 2023
    ​ODOE Received Award Notification 
    December 20, 2023
    ​​​ODOE Developed the Subgrant Application
    ​Winter 2024
    ​ODOE Opened First Opportunity Announcement for Subgrants 
    March 8, 2024

    ​ODOE Begins Accepting Applications Online​
    ​March 22, 2024
    ​ODOE Opened Second Opportunity Announcement for Subgrants and Began Accepting Applications Online
    ​May 22, 2024

    ​Notification of Awards

    ​Rolling basis through Spring 2024
    ​Selected Project Performance Agreements Finalized
    ​Summer 2024
    ​ODOE Notifies U.S. DOE of Grants Selected
    July ​2024​


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