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​​​​ODOE’s vision is a safe, equitable, clean, and sustainable future. As part of this vision, we are committed to ensuring that all communities can participate in and benefit from a sustainable energy future – from access to electric vehicles and renewable​ energy to initiatives that support equity and keep energy affordable.​

Improving access and developing policy through an equity lens is always a work in progress, and our success in these efforts is bolstered by tapping into the talents of a diverse workforce and stakehold​er community​. This involves building an inclusive and diverse agency, reflective of the Oregonians we serve.

ODOE's 2021-2024 Strategic Plan embeds equity in our vision and mission in addition to the focus areas and strategic initiatives that guide our work. 

We’ll continue to promote equal opportunities to all people regardless of race, color, ancestry, gender identity, marital stat​us, national origin, age, political or religious affiliation, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, veteran status, and any other protected class for which discrimination is prohibited by state or federal law.​

Tribal Land Acknowledgement

Indigenous Tribes and Bands have been with the lands that we inhabit today throughout Oregon and the Northwest since time immemorial and continue to be a vibrant part of Oregon today. We would like to express our respect to the First Peoples of this land, the nine federally recognized Tribes of Oregon​: Burns Paiute Tribe, Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua & Siuslaw Indians, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation, Coquille Indian Tribe, Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe of Indians, and The Klamath Tribes.

It is important that we recognize and honor the ongoing legal and spiritual relationship between the land, plants, animals, and people indigenous to this place we now call Oregon. The interconnectedness of the people, the land, and the natural environment cannot be overstated; the health of one is necessary for the health of all. We recognize the pre-existing and continued sovereignty of the nine federally recognized Tribes who have ties to this place and thank them for continuing to share their traditional ecological knowledge and perspective on how we might care for one another and the land, so it can take care of us.

We commit to engaging in a respectful and successful partnership as stewards of these lands. As we are obliged by state law and policy, we will uphold government-to-government relations to advance strong governance outcomes supportive of Tribal self-determination and sovereignty.​ 

Learn more about us and our values.

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