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​​​​​​The Oregon Department of Energy has served as a constant voice in the Hanford site cleanup efforts.
As cleanup continues for the next several decades, Oregon ensures decisions are protective of the Columbia River. ODOE may submit letters or position papers to the U.S. Department of Energy or other partners to provide feedback and guidance on cleanup efforts.

Key Letters & Position Papers


2022​-23 ​
​December 2023
Oregon Comments on U.S. DOE's Hanford Mixed Radioactive W​aste Land Disposal Restrictions Variance for the Test Bed Initiative
​November 2023
Oregon’s Comments on DOE’s 2023-2028 5 Year Plan Communication “Placemat”​
​June 2023

Oregon Comments on Engineering Evaluation and Cost
Assessment (EE/CA) for the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF)​
​April 2023

Oregon Comments on the DOE Analysis of Alternatives Related to High-Level Waste Treatment​
​April 2023
Oregon Comments on 2025 Hanford Site Budget and Cleanup Priorities​
​February 2023
Oregon Comments on Hanford Nuclear Site Cleanup Funding​
​November 2, 2022
​Oregon Response to Hanford's 5-Year Plan 2023-2027​
​August 16, 2022
Oregon Comments on the 2022 Adaptive Milestone Approach​
​August 9, 2022
Joint Agency Letter Requesting Funding Increase​
​June 10, 2022

​Oregon Comments on NAS Supplemental Treatment of Low-Activity Waste (LAW)​ Study​
​April 15, 2022
​Oregon Comments on 2024 Hanford Site Budget and Cleanup Priorities​
​March 4, 2022

Oregon Hanford Cleanup Board Comments on Consent-Based Siting and Federal Interim Storage​
​February 2, 2022
Oregon Comments on the Hanford Test Bed Initiative Draft Waste Incidental to Rep​rocessing Evaluation​ 
January 6, 2022

O​regon Comments on the Draft 5 Year CERCLA Review

​Date ​Topic
​January 6, 2022
Oregon Comments on the Draft 5 Year CERCLA Review
​November 22​, 2021
Oregon Comments on the 2022-2027 Hanford 5 Year Vision​
​September 3, 2021
​ODOE Comments on Test Bed Initiative NEPA EA.​
​July 15, 2021

​ODOE Review of the Continued Analysis of Supplemental Treatment of Low-Activity Waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation - Remarks from Maxwell Woods and Jeff Burright during the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine's public meeting.

​June 23, ​​2021
Oregon comments on proposed M-091 milestone, which applies to Hanford waste that is or was believed to meet the transuranic waste criteria 
April 28, 2021​
​Date ​Topic
​November 25, 2020
Oregon comments to USDOE on its Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing Evaluation for Vitrified Low Activity Tank Waste at Hanford​
​August 13, 2020

Oregon comments on Plant-B EECA​
​July 1, 2020
Oregon Budget Priorities​
​March 31, 2020
Oregon comments on DOE proposal to interim stabilize three waste sites within Hanford’s Plutonium Finishing Plant complex​
​March 20, 2020
ODOE letter to members of Oregon’s Congressional delegation expressing concerns about the potential impacts of President Trump’s proposed FY 2021 budget on the Hanford nuclear site cleanup​
​January 24, 2020
Oregon comments on a Draft Environmental Assessment for the treatment and disposal of defense waste processing wastewater at the Savannah River Site, SC ​(US DOE’s first use of its new interpretation of the definition of “High-Level Radioactive Waste”)​
​December 28, 2018
ODOE comments on USDOE proposal for new definition of “high-level radioactive waste.”​
​October 17, 2018 ​ODOE presentation on U.S. Department of Energy proposal to reclassify high-level waste at Hanford.​ (See official, submitted public comments below.)
​October 4, 2018ODOE comments to USDOE on its Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR) Evaluation and Performance Assessment for Waste Management Area C​.
​July 2, 2018Comments on proposed Tri-Party Agreement milestones related to moving Hanford’s cesium and strontium capsules to dry storage, which Oregon favors occurring sooner than the proposed milestone of 2025.​
​June 25, 2018​
Oregon request for a 60-day extension to submit comments on the Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (Draft WIR) for Closure of Waste Management Area C. (Extension granted)
​April 17, 2018Oregon input on the independent assessment of technology development efforts within the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Environmental Management by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
​January 29,​ 2018 Request to Ecology and U.S. Department of Energy to consult with Oregon and the public on the status of Tri-Party Agreement tank waste treatment negotiations.​ 
Janu​​ary 24, 201​8​​​Oregon encourages Hanford Tri-Parties to accelerate movement of cesium and strontium capsules to dry storage.
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