In 2023, Oregon’s legislature passed House Bill 3409, directing the Oregon Department of Energy to stand up a program that will provide $2 million in grants for projects delivering information and technical training to new and existing workers and contractors to conduct energy efficient installations and renovations.
ODOE staff have filed permanent rules with the Secretary of State establishing the Energy Efficient Technologies Information and Education Grant Program, marking the conclusion of this rulemaking. The program will provide grants for projects delivering information and technical training to new and existing workers and contractors to conduct energy efficient installations and renovations. The rules lay out program processes for the distribution of funding from the Energy Efficient Technologies Information and Training Fund established by House Bill 3409 (2023).
ODOE made minor changes to the draft rules that were published in the hearing notice for clarification and to fix typographical errors; these changes are noted in the rule summaries in the final filing with the Secretary of State. Additionally, ODOE made the following changes to the draft rules in response to either public comments or recent experiences in other ODOE incentive programs:
The Oregon Department of Energy will hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 10 a.m. to receive public comments on rules establishing the Energy Efficient Technologies Information and Education Grant Program. The program will provide grants for projects delivering information and technical training to new and existing workers and contractors to conduct energy efficient installations and renovations. The draft rules lay out program processes for the distribution of funding from the Energy Efficient Technologies Information and Education Fund established by House Bill 3409 (2023).
In addition to the opportunity to present comments at the public hearing, you may submit comments by email or mail to the addresses listed below. The public comment period will close on September 26, 2024, at 5 p.m. Comments received after this date will not be considered in the rulemaking process.
Submit written comments to:
Mailing address:Oregon Department of EnergyAttention: Energy Efficient Technologies Grant Program550 Capitol St. NE, 1st FloorSalem, OR 97301
Public Hearing Details:
Date/Time: Thursday, September 26, 2024 10:00 amLocation: Virtual via WebexJoin Meeting via Webex: number: 2662 779 5970Webinar password: energy (363749 when dialing from a phone or video system)Join by phone: +1-650-479-3208 United States TollAccess code: 266 277 95970
The Oregon Department of Energy will hold a virtual meeting on Thursday, August 22 to discuss proposed administrative rules for the Energy Efficient Technologies Information and Education Grant Program. The program will provide grants for projects delivering information and technical training to new and existing workers and contractors to conduct energy efficient installations and renovations. The proposed rules will lay out program processes for the distribution of funding from the Energy Efficient Technologies Information and Education fund established by HB 3409 (2023). number: 2662 733 5088Webinar password: energy (363749 when dialing from a phone or video system)Join by phone: +1-650-479-3208 Access code: 266 273 35088
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