Administrative Rules

Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs)

Database reports, links and related Administrative Rules resources.

ORS 183.310(9) defines "rule" as any agency directive, standard, regulation or statement of general applicability that implements, interprets or prescribes law or policy, or describes the procedure or practice requirements of any agency.  For more information, click on Agency Administration Rules, click the link below. Note: Through this dataset, agencies provide links to their website pages that include administrative rules information. Current data and information is updated when new links are reported.

Agency Administration Rules LinksTransparency Newsletter Feature: Administrative Rules

Oregon Administrative Rules adopted by state agencies can be viewed through the Oregon's Secretary of State website. The Oregon Administrative Rules Database (OARD) allows users to readily browse and search for rules information.
Oregon Administrative Rules

Did you know...

Oregon Administrative Rules are published by the Oregon Secretary of State? 
Agency rules and filings for Oregon are in one easy to search location and include Public and Agency access. 

Secretary of State Website

What is HB 2370?

House Bill HB 2370 requires agencies that maintain webpages with agency rules to display those webpage links on the Oregon Transparency website. You can also download the Administrative Rules listing from

HB 2370