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Energy in Oregon

​A renewable resource can be used repeatedly because it is replaced naturally.
ODOE provides technical and policy expertise to support renewable energy project development across the state. Our staff offers g​uidance on the quality of renewable resources, permitting and funding, and the overall development process for energy projects.

We work with the Governor's Regional Solutions Teams to support community initiatives, including projects that develop renewable energy in rural parts of the state. ​

Renewable Energy Resources

Solar​ ​​Energy from the sun can produce electricity and heat on a small- or large-scale basis.
Wind​ ​Wind power can be captured on-shore, off-shore, at residential or commercial properties, or through utility-scale wind farms.
Bioenergy​ ​Bioenergy from biomass (like manure or wood products) or biogas (like methane) can produce renewable energy.
Geothermal​ ​The naturally occuring heat within the earth can be used to produce electricity on a small- or large-scale basis.
Hydropower​ ​Energy captured from moving water, like rivers flowing through dams, can be used to produce electricity
Movement from ocean waves and coastal winds can both be harnessed to produce electricity. 
Renewable Fuels​ ​Alternative fuels such as ethanol, biodiesel, renewable diesel, natural gas, and biogas can reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector.
Hydrogen​ Hydrogren is not a source of energy, but it can be used to store and transport carbon-free energy.
Renewable Energy Development Grants
​ ​Contact the Planning & Innovation Team:

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