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​​Renewable Energy Development Grants, or RED grants, support individuals and organizations that are investing in renewable energy systems.
Wind turbine in a vineyardAs of 2019, RED grant funding has been exhausted, and we do not expe​ct further grant opportunities under this program.

Between 2012-2019, ODOE awarded nearly $8 million for 86 rene​wable energy projects statewide, including solar, hydropower, and biogas installations. Learn more​ about the Oregon projects we supported!

The Oregon Department of Energy’s RED Grant program promoted investment in and development of renewable energy projects by providing a grant up to $250,000 for businesses, organizations, public bodies, schools, nonprofits, and tribes that install and operate a renewable energy system that produces electric energy. 

ODOE used a two-tier grant award system so similarly-sized projects competed against each other, which ensured smaller projects could remain competitive. Reviewed projects were awarded more points if they provided benefits to their communities. The program also tapped​ into an innovative funding source – an independently administered auction of tax credits – to help the agency serve more Oregonians without using scarce general fund dollars.

What projects qualify?

RED grants are awarded for renewable energy systems that produce electricity using:
  • Biomass
  • Solar
  • Geothermal
  • Hydroelectric
  • Wind
  • Landfill Gas
  • Biogas
  • Wave, tidal, or ocean thermal energy

Am I eligible?

Individuals, businesses, nonprofits, tribes, or other organizations that plan to install renewable energy systems at a business or a residential rental property in Oregon are eligible to apply.

How much is the grant?

We award grants up to $250,000 per project, not to exceed 35 percent of the project’s eligible costs. RED Grants are awarded competitively.

Application Process

  1. ​Prior to any construction/installation, read the current offering.
  2. Fill out the Red Grant Application and send it to ODOE prior to the due date.
  3. ODOE will competitively score applications, and notify grant recipients.
  4. If your project changes during construction/installation, fill out an amendment request.
  5. Once the project is completed, fill out the Red Grant Final Report.
  6. Once ODOE receives and reviews the Final Report, grant funds will be distributed.

Current Offering

Renewable Energy Development Grant
Application DueMaterials
None at this time.---- ​​​​​​​​​​​

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