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Energy in Oregon

​​​​Oregon is served by three natural gas, three investor-owned electric utilities, and 38 consumer or publicly-owned electric utilities.
The list below is not intended as an endorsement.

​Natural Gas ​​Incentives
Avista 800-227-9187Incentives
Cascade Natural Gas ​888-522-1130​Incentives
NW Natural ​800-422-4012
Natural Gas Transportation ​
​​​Northwest Pipeline Corporation
TransCanad​a Corp.


Investor-Owned Electricity
Idaho Pow​er Company ​208-388-2323
Pacific Power (PacifiCorp) 888-221-7070​Incentives
Portland General Electric 503-228-6322
Cooperative Electric Utilities ​Incentives
​Blachly-Lane Electric Cooperative
Central Electric Cooper​ative​ ​541-548-2144​Incentives​
​Clearwater Power Company (ID)​ 208-743-1501
​Columbia Basin Cooperative 541-676-9146​Incentives
Columbia Power Cooperative​ 541-934-2311N/A
Columbia Rural Electric (WA) 509-526-4041
Consumers Power ​541-929-3124​Incentives
​Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative, Inc.​ ​541-332-3931​Incentives
Douglas Electric Cooperative ​541-673-6616​Incentives​
Harney Electric Cooperative ​541-573-2061Incentives
Hood River Electric Cooperative 541-354-1233Incentives
Lane Electric Cooperative ​541-484-1151Incentives
​Midstate Electric Cooperative, Inc. ​541-536-2126 ​
Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative ​541-523-3616​Incentives
Salem Electric
Surprise Valley Electric Corporation (CA) ​866-843-2667Incentives
Umatilla Electric C​ooperative
​Umpqua Indian Utility Co-op 541-839-3150​
​Wasco Electric Cooperative ​541-296-2740
​West Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc. ​503-429-3021Incentives​
Peoples Utility Districts (PUDs) ​Incentives
Central Lincoln PUD ​877-265-3211 
Clatskanie PUD ​503-728-2163Incentives
Columbia River PUD ​503-397-1844
Emerald PUD ​541-746-1583​Incentives
Northern Wasco PUD ​541-296-2226Incentives​
Tillamook PUD ​503-842-2535​Incentives​
​Municipal Electric Utilities
Canby Utility Board 503-266-1156
​City of Ashland Electric Department ​541-488-6004
​City of Bandon ​541-347-2437 x233
City of Cascade Locks
​City of Drain ​541-836-2417N/A
City of Forest Grove​ Light & Power​ ​503-992-3250Incentives​
City of Monmouth ​503-838-3526N/A
​Eugene Water & Electric Board
​Hermiston Energy Services ​541-289-2000​Incentives
​McMinnville Water & Light ​503-472-6158Incentives
Milton-Freewater City Light & Power
​Springfield Utility Board ​541-746-8451​Incentives
​Wholesale Electricity Suppliers ​​​Incentives
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) ​503-230-3000
​Propane Suppliers ​
AmeriGas ​541-784-3484
Ferrellgas See List 404
Suburban Propane ​503-639-8691
Universal Propane of Grants​ Pass​ ​541-956-1863
Utility Associations & Agencies​ ​
Electric League of the Pacific Northwest ​425-646-4727
Northwest Gas Association ​503-624-2160
Northwest Public Power Association ​360-254-0109
Oregon Climate Trust ​503-238-1915
​Oregon Municipal Electric Utilities​ ​503-371-6625
Oregon Peoples Utility District Association ​503-370-4413
Oregon Public Utility Commission ​503-378-6116
Oregon Rural Electric Cooperative Association ​503-585-9988
Pacific NW Generating Cooperative ​503-288-1234
Pacific NW Utilities Conference Committee ​503-223-9343


Podcast: EWEB Interview, "Ice-pocalypse Now!"​​
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