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Energy in Oregon

​​​The Oregon Department of Energy facilitates the administration of SB 1149​ funds in cooperation with school districts.
Schools-1149-Map.pngSenate Bill 1149  directed Oregon's two largest utilities, Portland General Electric and Pacific Power , to collect a "public purpose charge" from their customers. 

The charge collected is equal to 1.5 percent of the total revenues from electricity services. Twenty percent of those funds collected go to schools districts to complete energy audits or fleet audits. They can then implement energy efficiency measures in public schools within the PGE and Pacific Power service areas or purchase zero emissions vehicles or electric vehicle chargers within the school districts. ​

School improvements can include new windows, upgraded ​heating and cooling systems, building envelope improvements, energy efficient lighting, domestic hot water systems, and more. 
Schools using SB 1149 public purpose funds:
  • Complete energy audits of SB 1149-eligible school buildings​. Audits must be completed by an Qualified Energy Audit firm​; or
  • Complete a fleet audit for the school district using Fleet Audit spreadsheet.
  • Implement the approved Energy Efficiency Measures identified in the audits and report final costs in the Schools Interactive Database​.
  • ​Purchase or lease zero emissions vehicles.
  • Purchase and install electric vehicle chargers.
  • Report all final costs including audits, Energy Efficient Measures, commissioning, zero emissions vehicles and electric vehicle chargers.
  • Report monthly energy use and cost information for eligible facilities in the Schools Interactive D​atabase each year. 
See the full program guideli​nes for more information about the program, energy audits, energy use reporting, and more. 

​ Full Program Guidelines

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