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Energy in Oregon

​Apply for certification as an Oregon Renewable Portfolio Standard-approved energy generator.
1. Eligibility

Review the Oregon Revised Statute Chapter 469A to confirm your project meets state RPS eligibility requirements. 


Register your energy-generating facility as a "Generating Unit" (GU) in the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS). 

3. Application

Review the Oregon Administrative Rules, and complete the RPS Facility Certification General Application.

If your facility uses the following resources, please complete a supplemental application:
If you installed an efficiency upgrade at your facility, please complete the Efficiency Supplement​ and the Incremental Resource Intake Form.

Email your application and supplemental materials to:​ 

4. Response

ODOE staff will review your materials and approve or deny your application. Once you register your facility in WREGIS, you can begin receiving Renewable Energy Certificates, but they cannot be used for RPS compliance until ODOE certifies your facility as eligible.

5. Certification

Once approved, we will issue your facility a unique Oregon certification number, and RECs you generate will be tagged as eligible for RPS compliance in Oregon.

6. Periodic Review

ODOE may periodically review generating facilities. 

We require certain resources to submit updated information on a regular basis:
  • Multi-fuel generators (every three years)
  • ​Low-impact hydropower generators (upon expiration of their Low Impact Hydropower Institute certification)
  • Generators with a registered hydropower efficiency upgrade (five years after initial approval)

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