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Energy in Oregon

​​One-third of Oregon's energy use comes from transportation: personal cars, fleets, shipments, and more.
The transportation industry moves people and goods throughout the state of Oregon. In some cases we are the starting point or the destination; other times, people or goods are just passing through.

Transportation by air, water, rail, or road ​ is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in Oregon, at over a third. At ODOE, our work focuses on increasing the use of alternative fuels like electricity and biofuels, supporting zero-emission vehicle technology, and implementing policies that decrease carbon emissions.

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In ODOE's Biennial Energy Report​, data show that the transportation sector accounts for the largest share of energy used in Oregon and nearly half the expenditures due to higher per-unit cost of transportation fuels.

consumption 2020.png

expenditures 2020.png

Transportation is the state’s largest single source of GHG emissions, primarily from direct combustion of petroleum products, including emissions from on- and off-highway vehicles (like vehicles used in the industrial, agricultural, or commercial sectors). 

GHGs 2019.png 

Government & Business Fleets​

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Oregon Department of Transportation​

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