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Energy in Oregon

The Oregon Department of Energy's electric vehicle mapping project provides Oregon’s consumer-owned utilities with information about where electric vehicles are charging on their systems to support growing EV adoption in Oregon. 
​​Program BackgroundCOU-EV-MAP.jpg

Governor Brown’s Executive Order 17-21 directed the Oregon Department of Energy to support increased electric vehicle adoption in consumer-owned utility service territories by providing technical assistance on strategies to accommodate increased EV loads. As electric vehicle adoption accelerates, utilities are assessing future EV charging loads and making plans to accommodate those loads in a cost-effective manner that meets customer needs. The goal of this project is to provide ​information required for such planning – which is when and where EVs will be charging. 

Using distribution system data provided by the utilities and vehicle registration data from the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Driver and Motor Vehicle Services, ODOE will create a map for utilities that shows the general locations of where EVs are charging on their system (general locations help retain privacy by avoiding address-specific locations). 

Program Access

The project is available to any Oregon COU at no cost and can be accessed by submitting an application through the ODOE's application portal. Once an application has been submitted, ODOE will reach out to schedule a kickoff meeting with the COU. After executing a Memorandum of Understanding and obtaining the COU's geospatial data, ODOE will combine, analyze, and prepare the EV charging data. When the data is finalized, ODOE will schedule a meeting with the COU to go over the results.

Click on the image below to explore the Oregon EV Dashboard:EV-Utility-Map.png

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