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Energy in Oregon

​The commissioning firms below have been qualified by the Oregon Department of Energy to perform commissioning services for schools within the SB 1149 Schools Program. The list below is not intended as an endorsement. 
The SB 1149 Schools Program requires some SB 1149-funded energy measures to be completed by qualified commissioning firms. See the SB 1149 Program Guidelines for more information.

Commissioning Requirements & Resources

Commissioning Requirements and Reports

School Districts

Befor​e signing a contract, a school district should ensure that the commissioning firm is qualified to perform the specific commissioning services that the district is requesting. If commissioning is performed by a non-qualified firm, the commissioning will not be eligible for reimbursement through the school district's SB 1149 public purpose charge funds.

Commissioning Firms

​Contracting agencies and qualified firms are responsible for carefully reading all terms and conditions in Requests for Qualifications in ORPIN, ODOE's Prequalified List Agreement for Commissioning Services, and Commissioning Requirements and Report Requirements. Additional guidelines and documents​ are available for interested commissioning firms. 

​​If your firm is interested in becoming an ODOE-approved Commissioning Firm, please create an account in the Oregon Procurement Information Network  (ORPIN). To view current ODOE opportunities, log in to ORPIN and click "Browse" on the left side of the page. On the next page, click through the list below to see all ODOE opportunities:
  • Browse Opportunities
  • By Organization
  • Issued By
  • Search
  • Energy, Department of​

Commissioning Firms for Schools
Firm Name
click to open external website​
​​Primary Contacts
click to email
Qualified Staff
Ameresco,​ Inc.
Jason Carver​
Gerry Glenn
​Kirk Carl
Jason Hite
CBRE Design Collective, Inc. 
Richard Young
​Richard Young
Jim Warner
John Fedor
Jerome Baker
Jeremy Martin
​Elevate Building Commissioning, LLC ​10/31/2026
​Nathan Aring​

​Caleb Aring
Nathan Aring
David Furrer
Energy Performance Engineering, LLC
Elee Jen
​James Jen
Engineering Economics, Inc. ​10/31/2026
Dwight Gray​
Anick Marcyan
Andy Frichtl
Glumac Inc.​
Angela Templin​
Angela Templin
Kalin Hollingbery ​
Dan Reaves
​Inte​rface Engineering, Inc.
Andy Frichtl
​Andrew Frichtl
Nick Marycan
McKinstry Essention​ 

​Wayne Morris
Geremy Wolff
​Northwest Engineering Service, Inc.
​David Cun​ningham

Jon McLaren
David Cunningham
Vince Sage
Jerry C. Burstedt
Erik Rottman
​Jasha Kistler 

​​Mitch Chvilicek
Ian Robertson
John Bell
Christopher Hofland
Sazan Group, Inc.

Shane Doig

​Kayla Edwards
Andrew Balmer
Tom Bowen
Kevin David
Dan Tedrow
Solarc Energy Group, LLC 
Devon Guyette
​John Alberte
​System Commissioning Consultants, Inc.
Dennis Anderson
​Dennis Anderson
Daryl Anderson
Systems West Engineers

Adam Mangrich

​Adam Mangrich
Brian Barks
Dustin Murray
Andrew Reyes
Chris Bennett
Michael Lauck​​

Disclaimer: The commissioning firms listed above have been qualified by the Oregon Department of Energy to perform commissioning services in schools. This list is not intended to endorse the qualifications of the firms listed to perform work other than the services authorized in the RFQ or the Commissioning and Report Requirements. School districts and authorized state agencies are not permitted to use this list of contractors to contract for project management, construction management, design, installation, or any other services that do not match the description of services outlined in the RFQ. Nothing in the solicitation process, RFQ, or any contemplated or final Prequalified List Agreement for Commissioning Services relieves any Contracting Agency from complying with all laws and regulations applicable to public procurement.

Choosing a Commissioning Firm
When choosing a commissioning firm, school districts should consider the firm's qualifications and how they match up with the district's current needs and future plans.  

The Oregon Department of Energy cannot advise you on which firm to select. We do have some advice for steps you can take to select the best match for your district:
  1. Confirm and follow and school district procurement rules and regulations regarding selecting and hiring a commissioning firm.
  2. Consider contacting at least three firms directly to discuss availability and needs.
  3. Schedule site visits for commissioning firms so the firm is able to provide a bid estimate and discuss their services with you.
  4. ​Review all bid estimates and select the bid that meets your school district's needs.
All proposals are on file at ODOE. Contact our Schools Team​ for more information or to review the proposals.

Hiring a Commissioning Firm

After choosing the firm that best fits your school district's needs, you will complete a Scope of Work Approval Form with your commissioning firm. 

The Scope of Work Approval Form will be submitted to ODOE for review and approval, prior to executing a contract. Once the form has been approved by ODOE, the district and commissioning firm may complete a contract that specifies the approved scope for services and specifies that all SB 1149 Schools Program energy audit requirements will be met.

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