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Energy in Oregon

​Wind Power in Oregon


Resource Review

Wind energy is captured when blowing wind moves turbine blades around a rotor, which turns a shaft that spins a generator and transforms mechanical energy into ​​electricity. 
Offshore wind turbines use the same principle, but are sited off the coast where wind resources tend to be stronger and more constant.

Learn more about energy in Oregon in our 2024​ Biennial Energy Report.

Small-Scale Wind

The state also has smaller-scale wind projects, including several community-owned projects consisting of a few mid-sized or large turbines, and numerous installations of small turbines that generate power on-site for homes and businesses. The industry for small turbines is less developed than the large, utility-scale wind industry.

With the increase of the Oregon Renewable Portfolio Standard to 50 percent renewable energy by 2040, more wind projects will likely be built in the state by independent developers and utilities.

Wind Project Development

Developing a wind project is a complex process, particularly due to grid interconnection and transmission access issues. New utility-scale wind projects in Oregon will likely require significant transmission system investments. Small wind projects (<20 MW) have less impact on transmission, but require complex system studies that may result in the need for expensive upgrades to the local grid.

Visit our Energy Facility Siting pages to learn more about the utility-scale wind industry in Oregon. 
Renewable Energy Development Grants

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