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Energy in Oregon

​​​​We know that climate change is influenced by human activities. As we release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the air, our atmosphere warms. With rising temperatures come changes in weather and climate across the globe – from heat waves and flooding to drought and wildfires.
​The energy sector can be a large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions – but it can also be part of the solution. The Orego​n Department of Energy is committed to leading our state to a cleaner energy future, and we have some resources to help!

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​How energy is generated and used in Oregon affects – and is affected by – climate change.
In 2020, Governor Brown signed Executive Order 20-04, directing State of Oregon agencies to take action to reduce and regulate greenhouse gas emissions​. Learn more about how ODOE works to re​duce greenhouse gas emissions​ and how we're implementing the executive order.
​The Oregon Department of Energy is developing a comprehensive state-specific climate vulnerability assessment for the energy sector.

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ODOE partners with other agencies to track greenhouse gas emissions.

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​And to develop strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Oregon Department of Transportation launched a website to track progress toward reducing ​​GHG emissions from transportation (the lar​​gest contributor to Oregon's GHGs).
​Interested in learning more about climate change in Oregon? Check out Chapter 2 of our 2018 Biennial Energy Report (large PDF) and our Climate Change Update policy brief from our 2020 Biennial Energy Report. In the 2020 report, we also discuss Oregon's upco​ming Climate Vulnerability Assessment.
​Oregon has one of the most robust Renewable Portfolio Standards, where 50 percent of our electricity must come from renewable resources by 2040. By 2030, we will phase out electricity generated by coal.​
​ODOE also supports the Ore​gon Climate Action Commission (formerly the Oregon Global Warming Commission), which is charged ​with tracking trends in greenhouse gas emissions and recommending ways to reduce them. 

​The Transformative Integrated Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction (TIGHGER) Plan, also known as the Oregon Global Warming Commission's Roadmap to 2035, will analyze and identify action across all sectors that can reduce GHG emissions while continuing to grow Oregon's economy and enhance equity and quality of life for all Oregonians. 

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
 Climate Vulnerability Assessment​
​ Oregon Transportation Emissions​
EO 20-04

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OR Department of Transportation
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