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Energy in Oregon

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Program Guidelines Cover General Program Guidelines

Public Purpose Charge (SB 1149) Schools Program Tools & Resources

Fleet Audits, Electric Vehicles, and Charging Stations​​ - Steps and Forms​

Schools Interactive Database

The Schools Interactive Database can be used by all Schools Districts in Oregon but it is the official reporting tool for Public Purpose Charge (SB 1149) Schools Program data. The database tracks energy usage data, identified or installed energy projects and installed project costs.

To obtain a login to your School District’s information, contact the Schools Team.

School District’s Users Guid​e for step-by-step procedures for data entry is coming soon!

Energy Use Reporting

School districts must enter monthly energy use data in the Schools ​Interactive Database​ for their schools facilities by December 31 of each year, including energy use and cost information for all fuel sources and verify the square footage of the facility and the hours of operation. 

Understanding Energy Use Data

Utility Bills
School districts will need to collect 12 months of utility bills for all electric meters, gas meters, and any other secondary heating fuel associated with each facility. Specific data may include:
  • Electricity: total usage (kWh), demand use (kW), and total monthly charges
  • Natural gas: total usage (therms) and total monthly charges
  • ​Diesel / #5 Oil / Propane: total usage (gallons) and total monthly charges

Square Footage
A building's square footage is required to calculate the "Energy Use Index." The best method to access the square footage is to use design/construction drawings. School districts may also have fixed asset lists with square footage. Be sure to take into account any modifications or additions each year. 

Hours of Operation
The hours of operation is the number of hours per year that the school building is being used. When calculating hours of operation, take into account:
  • When the building is "turned on" or "off" - often before staff arrive and after staff leave.
  • After-school programs, sports, communities meetings, weekend events, etc.
  • Custodial or maintenance staff time.
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