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Energy in Oregon

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​T​he energy audit firms below have been qualified by the Oregon Department of Energy to perform energy audits for schools within the SB 1149 Schools Program. The list below is not intended as an endorsement. 
Energy Audit Requirements
Audit Flow Chart.png

Energy Auditing and Audit Reports
​ODOE is committed to continual improvement of our processes. Based on input from and interactions with audit firms, the Audit Report Template and related Audit Report Template Tables have been revised to provide greater clarity and reduce the overall effort required to produce and approve the final report while still retaining the validity and integrity of the report findings and measure recommendations. The SB 1149 Qualified Energy Audit Firms are required to use these updated documents:
Resources for Energy Audit Firms

School Districts

Befor​e signing a contract, a school district should ensure that the energy audit firm is qualified to perform the specific audit services that the district is requesting. If energy audits are performed by a non-qualified firm, neither the audit nor any associated audit measures will be eligible for reimbursement through the school district's SB 1149 public purpose charge funds.

Auditing Firms

Contracting agencies and qualified firms are responsible for carefully reading all terms and conditions in Requests for Qualifications in ORPIN , ODOE's Prequalified List Agreement for Energy Auditing Services, and the Ene​rgy Audit Requirements and Audit Report Template Requirements (above).  

​​If your firm is interested in becoming an ODOE-approved Energy Auditor, please create an account in the Oregon Procurement Information Network  (ORPIN). To view current ODOE opportunities, log in to ORPIN and click "Browse" on the left side of the page. On the next page, click through the list below to see all ODOE opportunities:
  • Browse Opportunities
  • By Organization
  • Issued By
  • Search
  • Energy, Department of​
Energy Auditors for Schools

​Firm​ Name
click to open external website
Agreement Expiration ​Primary Contacts
click to email
Qualified Auditors Qualified Modelers
Abacus Resource Management Company dba Willdan Energy Solutions​​ ​10/31/20​​25
Jackson McDonald 
​Tyler Kimble
Nathan Curti
Logan Nissenson
Logan Nissenson
Brandon Link

​Ameresco, Inc.

Jason Carver

​Lonn Inman
Jason Carver
Michael Pacella
Jianpeng Yang
Bureau Veritas​
Leilani York​
800-733-0660 x 7936
​John McLurg
David Harrell
Kaustabh Chabukswar
Mary Venable
Anas Sadkhi

​Kaustabh Chabukswar
Mary Venable
Anas Sadkhi

Cumming Management Group, Inc.​
Christine Marez
Arvind Subramanya
Mohamad Khazem
Yagna Otia

Arvind Subramanya
Mohamad Khazem


​Phillip McNamara

​Chris Smith

Phillip McNamara
Josh Weissert
Scott Jasinski
Justin Hovland
Justin Ramsay
Ross Charland
Sean Wynne
Phil Gordon
Jeff Davis
Natalie Sherwood

​Chris Smith
Phillip McNamara
Scott Jasinski
Justin Hovland
Ross Charland
Sean Wynne
Phil Gordon
Jeff Davis
Gregory Annis
Natalie Sherwood

Energy Resources Integration
​​Eric Noller
​​Eric Noller
Ethan Clifford
​Eric Noller
Ethan Clifford
Brad Watterud
Engineering Economics, Inc.

Scott Nelson

​Scott Nelson
Dwight Gray
Matt Davis​

​Hilary Giffen
Rafael Olvera

Environmental & Engineering Services, Inc.
Fred Shaub

​Fred Shaub
Peter Sanford 
​Fred Shaub
Peter Sanford ​​
Global Energy Audits, LLC

​Jim Fowler
​Jim Fowler
Dick Armstrong

​Jim Fowler
Chris Lowen
​Chris Lowen
​Laurel Schandelmier
Laura Jean Humiston
Mike Prier

Helix Energy Partners

Michael Lovejoy
​Michael Lovejoy
​Michael Lovejoy
​Information & Energy Services, Inc.

​​Michael Rogers

​Michael Rogers
Ryan Tandy
James Bottomly
Liam Carr​

​Michael Rogers
Ryan Tandy
James Bottomley
Liam Carr
​Johnson Controls, Inc.​


David Nellis​
503 858-4757

​Veera Vijay
Darrell Craig Mays
Jonathan McEntire
Edward Allen
Jose Pecchio
David Hindley Meals
Mark McWhirter
Joe P. Caldwell
Zhi Yaw
David Zerba
Timothy Clark
​Veera Vijay
Darrell Craig Mays
Jonathan McEntire
Edward Allen
Jose Pecchio
David Hindley Meals
Joe P. Caldwell
​Mark McWhirter
David Zerba
Karl Friesen & Associates, LLC
dba KFAA Engineering
Karl Friesen
​Karl Friesen
Anthony Zagelow
​Karl Friesen
Mrigesh Roy​
McKinstry Essention, LLC
Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson
Crystal Benson
Mark Nieman
Heramb Amonkar
Daniel Shaw
Joel Stobie
Peter Ekstrom

Mike Johnson
Mark Nieman
Daniel Shaw​
Joel Stobie
MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions, LLC
Perry England
​Pete Davila
Aran Osborne
Jeremy Del Real
​Aran Osborne
Greg Noel​
Katelin Fournmier
Resource Innovations, Inc. 

Candice Norton

​Jacob James
Chris Cox
Jarom Taylor
David Burchfield
Kwasi Boateng
Teshome Jiru
Candice Norton
Phillip Maddi
Chris Cox
David Burchfield
Teshome Jiru
Candice Norton

​R&W Engineering, Inc. ​10/31/2025
​Mark Jones
Mark Jones
Ed Carlisle
Mark Jones
Ed Carlisle​
Sazan Enviornmental Services​
​Dan Tedrow
​Dan Tedrow
Kayla Edwards
​Gaurav Mehta
Dan Tedrow
Solarc Energy Group ​10/31/2025
Devon Guyette
​Mike Hatten
John Alberte
Devon Guyett
Erika Willis 
Eric Knowles
Mike Hatten
John Alberte​
Devon Guyett
Erika Willis​
Eric Knowles
Southland Energy​
dba Envise

Virak Dee
Bright Abdelmasih
Brendan Branigan
Doug McWhinney 
Pat Martin
​Virak Dee
Jesse Abel

Bright Abdelmasih
Brendan Branigan
Doug McWhinney ​

Systems West Engineers, Inc. ​10/31/2025
Adam Mangrich​
Adam Mangrich
Joe Iaccarino

​Mark Willett
Joe Iaccarino
Dorrie Matthews
​Trane US, Inc.​​

Jon Donahue
​Peter Kramer​
Divesh Joshi
Brent Bavin

​Greg Stinson
Divesh Joshi
Brent Bavin

TRC Engineers
Paul David 
​Jacob Green
Colman Snaith
Michael Roberts
Joe Levesque
​Jacob Green
Pratap Jadhav
Joe Levesque
Disclaimer: The energy auditing firms listed above have been qualified by the Oregon Department of Energy to perform energy auditing services in schools. This list is not intended to endorse the qualifications of the firms listed to perform work other than the energy auditing services authorized in the RFQ, the Energy Audit Requirements, or Audit Report Template and Requirements. School districts and authorized state agencies are not permitted to use this list of contractors to contract for project management, construction management, design, installation, or any other services that do not match the description of services outlined in the RFQ. Nothing in the solicitation process, RFQ, or any contemplated or final Prequalified List Agreement for Energy Auditing Services relieves any Contracting Agency from complying with all laws and regulations applicable to public procurement. ​​

Choosing an Energy Audit Firm

When choosing an energy audit firm, school districts should consider the firm's qualifications and how they match up with the district's current needs and future plans. You may need a whole building audit, or a targeted audit that looks at just one or two systems. 

The Oregon Department of Energy cannot advise you on which firm to select. We do have some advice for steps you can take to select the best match for your district:
  1. Confirm and follow and school district procurement rules and regulations regarding selecting and hiring an energy audit firm.
  2. Complete and send the Audit Information Form to ODOE to send out to all qualified auditing firms, or you can contact at least three energy audit firms directly to discuss availability and needs.
  3. Schedule site visits for energy audit firms so the firm is able to provide a bid estimate and discuss their services with you.
  4. ​Review all bid estimates and select the bid that meets your school district's needs.
All proposals are on file at ODOE. Contact our Schools Team​ for more information. 

Hiring an Energy Audit Firm

After choosing the firm that best fits your school district's needs, you will complete a Scope of Work Approval Form​ with your energy auditing firm. 

The Scope of Work Approval Form will be submitted to ODOE for review and approval, prior to executing a contract. Once the form has been approved by ODOE, the district and auditing firm may complete a contract that specifies the approved scope for the energy audit(s) and specifies that all SB 1149 Schools Program energy audit requirements will be met.

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