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​The Energy Facility Siting Council's standards for new energy facilities protect natural resources, ensure public health and safety, and protect against adverse environmental impacts. In general, the standards ask three fundamental questions:

  1. Does the applicant have the appropriate abilities to build this energy facility?
  2. Is the site suitable? 
  3. Would the facility have adverse impacts on the environment and the community?

EFSC’s standards apply to all types of energy facilities. However, some types of facilities need not meet all of the standards for the Council to issue a site certificate.

For a brief description of each standard, please see the EFSC Standards fact sheet. To see how the contents of an application are tied to the standards, please review the EFSC Application Requirements and Council Standards sheet. Below is a list of each standard and a link to where they are cited in Oregon Administrative Rules.

​Standard ​Rule Citation
​General Standard of Review 345-022-0000
​Organizational Expertise 345-022-0010
​Structural Standard 345-022-0020
​Soil Protection ​345-022-0022
​Land Use ​345-022-0030
​Protected Areas ​345-022-0040
​Retirement and Financial Assurance 345-022-0050
​​Fish and Wildlife Habitat 345-022-0060
​Threatened and Endangered Species 345-022-0070
​Scenic Resources 345-022-0080
​Historic, Cultural and
Archaeological Resources
​Recreation ​345-022-0100
​Public Services
​Wildfire Prevention and Risk Mitigation                
​Waste Minimization ​345-022-0120
​Carbon Dioxide Emissions ​​345-024-0500
CO2 ​Monetary Offset Rate
​Need Standard for
Non-generating Facilities

​Contact the Facility Siting Team:
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