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​The Oregon Department of Energy’s Siting Division takes an active interest in projects which fall outside the jurisdiction of the Energy Facility Siting Council.

Proposed energy generation projects (with the exception of hydropower) or infrastructure projects that have triggered analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act are monitored by ODOE and EFSC to ensure the best interests of the state of Oregon are considered.

In some cases, the Oregon Department of Energy will coordinate with other state agencies to provide comments on non-EFSC projects. In those cases, ODOE will establish a separate webpage with specific information and links regarding the project.

Facility​ Description ​​Links
​BLM Utility-Scale Solar Programmatic EIS
​Amend resource management plan (RMP) and programmatic environmental impact statement (EIS) for utility-scale solar
​BLM NEPA Register​
Boardman to Hemingway​​
​300-mile, 500 kv transmission line ODOE project page
Developer's website
​Crooked Creek Pumped Storage
​500 MW pumped-hydro storage project; 19.7 mile, 500 kV transmission line
FERC P-15239-000
​Goldendale Energy Storage Project
​1200 MW pumped-hydro storage project
Developer's website

FERC P-14861-002

​GTN Express Project
​Interstate natural gas pipeline compressor station upgrades; 150,000 dekatherms/day capacity increase
FERC CP22-2-000
Developer’s website​
Jordan Cove Energy Project /Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline
​​LNG liquefication/export facility; 229-mile, 36-inch natural gas pipeline​

FERC PF17-4 to FERC CP17-494​
Developer's website​
Lower Klamath Project Surrender and Removal​
​License surrender, decommissioning and removal of the 163 MW Lower Klamath Hydroelectric Project
FERC P-14803-001 and P-2082-063
Developer’s website
​North Umpqua Hydro Pumped Storage Project
​11 MW and 26 MW ​pumped-hydro storage project
FERC P-1927

Developer's website

​Owyhee Pumped Storage Project

​600 MW pumped-hydro storage project; 3.1 mile long transmission line​​
FERC P-15006-000
​Swan Lake North Pumped Storage

393.3 MW pumped-hydro storage project; 32.8 mile, 230 kV transmission line

FAST-41 Dashboard
Developer's website
FERC P-13318-013

​​Winter Ridge Pumped Storage

​500 MW pumped-hydro storage project; 9.3 to 9.8 mile, 500 kV transmission line

FERC P-15246-000

​Elephant Rock Pumped Storage Project

​318 MW pumped-hydro storage project
FERC P-15330
​Soldier Camp Pumped Storage Project​

​550 MW pumped-hydro storage project
FERC P-15331



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