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Advisory Committee

The legal charge of the Advisory Committee is to review accountability programs in other states and make recommendations to the Superintendent of Public Instruction (Governor Kotek, and by delegation, Dr. Charlene Williams) on the expansion or revision of an education accountability framework. The Committee will meet regularly and the goal is to have a report and recommendations by October 2024.

How were committee members chosen?

The Advisory Committee is required by HB 2656 to include representatives of school districts, teachers’ unions and post-secondary institutions of education. In developing the advisory, ODE hoped to create a functional group that could grapple and engage and do the real work called for by the charge of the committee. That meant limiting the committee to 30-40 members at a maximum (not counting a number of cross-agency partners) while seeking perspective that would include:

  • Young People
  • Families
  • School staff, broadly defined to include all adults working in schools
  • Oregon’s Sovereign Nations
  • Communities of Color
  • Community-based and culturally specific organizations
  • School Districts (Big, Mid, Small, and Rural)
  • Education Service Districts
  • Central Office Administrators (curriculum, special education, business officials)
  • Labor Partners
  • School Board Members
  • Advocacy Organizations
  • Business and Industry
  • Philanthropy
  • Rural-Focused associations
  • Post-Secondary Institutions
  • Early Childhood Partners
  • Agency Partners: including HECC, DELC, EAC, YDD, TSPC, OHA, DHS, LFO, DAS
  • Legislative Commission on Indian Services
  • Racial Justice Council
  • Leaders with historical knowledge of Oregon’s Student Success Act (SSA)
  • Leaders with knowledge and understanding of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
  • Student Success Plan Representatives
  • Oregon Department of Education
  • State Board of Education

Advisory Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Agenda and minutes for each meeting will be posted below once they are available. Click on the + to expand each entry to access the documents.

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​

​​There are no documents for this meeting at this time.​