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Welcome to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

    • OEDII leads proactive equity initiatives that interrupt and eliminate harmful power dynamics that are endemic in Oregon’s education system. Our initiatives are driven by deep and ongoing engagement with the lived experiences of our students, families, and communities so that we can provide intentional structures, practices, and policies that uphold their intersecting identities, needs, and strengths. 

    • Oregon Department of Education - Education Equity Stance

      Education equity ensures fair policies, practices, and resource allocation to support historically and currently marginalized students and families, including cil rights-protected groups. As Oregon's student population grows more divers, schools must address disparities such as the academic achievement gap, which disproportionately affects traditionally marginalized communities. True equity requires a commitment from educators at all levels to prepare every student for success beyond high school. Senate Bill 739 reinforces the state's dedication to honoring student diversity by integrating multicultural history into curricula and refining instruction to reflect diverse contributions. 

Connected Resources

Our collective energy and urgency serves as a touchpoint for pivotal cross-office and cross-agency collaboration towards a shared vision for equitable education throughout Oregon.

Safe and Inclusive Schools (SIS)

The SIS Team focuses on the comprehensive School Safety and Prevention System centered in equity, racial equity, and access to mental health services. 

Student Success Plans (SSP)

Born out of the Student Success Act (SSA), the SSPs were developed under the purview of ODE to further address the needs of specific student populations. 

English Language Learners

The primary purpose is to assist our communities and educators with resources and updates that help our English Learners to succeed academically, and overcome barriers that impede their academic success.


Early Literacy Community Grants

The Community Grants program, part of ODE's Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion supports three key goals:

  1. Expanding culturally and linguistivcally responsive early literacy programs through family engagement and professional training. 
  2. Debeloping equitable, statewide programs that connect parents and young children with early literacy support.
  3. Providing high-dosage tutoring and research-aligned training for tutors.  

  • Contacts

  • Torrey Sims - Assistant Superintendent

    To contact Torrey, please reach out to his Executive Support Staff, Meghan Rogers-Czarnecki

    For general questions please reach out using the Education Equity email.