The Oregon School Directory is an online directory listing phone numbers, addresses, and key staff people in all public schools and districts in the state. It further contains information on Oregon Department of Education staff, additional information about private schools, and statistics on the number and composition of Oregon schools.
This Excel file can assist districts in applying for new school status due to enrollment and boundary changes.
Boundary Change Calculator and New Institution ID/New School Status Clarification (updated 3/7/2025)
Public schools, districts, charter schools, and a number of other entities are required to have an ID to do business with ODE. To make changes or request an ID, save the Institution Request Form from this page to your own system, fill out the form, and email it to the
ODE Institutions Database Team. Failure to complete the form as directed for each section may delay your request. Many requests require additional supplemental documentation which can be found on page 9 of the Institution Request Form. For non-traditional entities doing business with ODE please refer to information for Non District Changes on this page or contact the ODE Institutions Database Team for guidance.
Temporary Address Changes Due to Emergencies
If a temporary move due to an emergency (building damage due to ice storm, fire, etc.) does not extend from the emergency school year into the next school year (as defined by the district), no notification of address change is required. If the temporary address change will persist into the next school year, notification is required. Notification will require the standard Institution Request Form for an address change and Board Minutes showing board notification of the temporary change.
If you are looking for data and information about institutions that is not included here, this is a link to the Oregon Department of Education’s Reports webpage. They have institutional data like number of students or test results for schools and districts.