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This page provides information and forms related to pupil transportation in Oregon.
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Pupil Transportation Job Opportunities ListservSign up to receive announcements of school bus operation jobs statewide
Initiate a request for an update to a district Supplemental Plan or request a Waiver to TransportUnder ORS ORS 327.033 & 327.043 a district may request approval of a Supplemental Plan to account for transportation within the statutorily established walk distances from schools when health or safety conditions would merit. A district may also request a waiver from the responsibility to provide transportation if they provide a sufficient plan to the State Board of Education; this includes alternative (active and transit) transportation under 2023's House Bill 3014.
2019 Diesel Emissions & Retrofit Memo
2019 November NTSB Recommendation
Foster Care InformationIt is the responsibility of all parties involved (SEA, LEA, ODHS) to collaborate on a transportation plan in regard to students in Foster Care. The Ultimate responsibility lies with district in terms of ensuring means of transportation is provided; ODHS caseworkers or other ODHS staff cannot personally drive students as a long-term solution, as it is not a reimbursable transportation expense.
Further guidance on this topic can be found here:
McKinney-Vento Act: Students Navigating Houselessness Education Program
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