Welcome to Fingerprinting
ODE does fingerprint background checks for newly hired non-certified school district employees, charter schools, private schools and their contractors as authorized in ORS 326.603. This statute does not allow ODE to require fingerprints if a person was fingerprinted in a school district or private school and is currently seeking to work in another district or private school, unless the person lived outside the state during the time interval between working for the two districts or private schools.
Current employment fingerprinting fees are $70 per applicant. (March 2025 and onward)
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Statutes & Rules
Authority of school districts and schools to obtain fingerprints and criminal records check of employees and contractors; fee.
Subject individuals who have been convicted of any of the crimes listed in ORS 342.143, or the substantial equivalent of any of those crimes if the conviction occurred in another jurisdiction or in Oregon under a different statutory name or number, shall be refused continued employment or have employment terminated upon notification from the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Fingerprinting definitions used in OAR 581-021-0510 through 581-021-0512.
Fingerprinting of subject individuals in positions not requiring licensure as teachers, administrators, personnel specialists, school nurses.
Issuance of licenses and registrations with list of disqualifying crimes as referenced in OAR 581-021-0500 and ORS 326.603.
Fingerprinting definitions used in OAR 581-045-0584 through 581-045-0587.
Fingerprinting of subject individuals employed by private schools in positions not requiring licensure as teachers, administrators, personnel specialists, school nurses.
Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Verification For Employees
Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Clearance Request
For more information on this topic, email
ODE Fingerprinting or call 503-508-8943.