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Oregon Elevating Voices in Education (EVE) Workforce Survey


Educators and staff are the bedrock of our state’s public educational system.

It is critical to elevate and understand the voices and experiences of Oregon’s educators to help school, district, and state leaders identify and prioritize their needs and allocate resources most effectively.

Senate Bill (SB) 283, from the 2023 legislative session, requires the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to design and administer an annual survey to gather information about the working experiences of Oregon’s public K-12 education workforce.

The Elevating Voices in Education (EVE) Survey is an annual and anonymous survey. The EVE Survey includes questions on topics such as workplace climate, professional learning, well-being, students, equity, and job satisfaction.

However, unlike prior surveys administered by ODE which largely concentrated on licensed teachers and administrators (e.g., Teaching, Empowering, Leading, and Learning [TELL] survey and Oregon Statewide Educator Survey [OSES]), the EVE Survey will focus on all licensed and classified staff employed or under contract with a public K-12 education provider in Oregon.

Key survey information:

  • EVE survey window is February 4 to March 21, 2025.
  • Delivery of the EVE survey will occur via SurveyMonkey (with English and Spanish versions).
  • ODE will provide districts a survey administration toolkit containing email language, survey links, and survey administration guidance.
  • Districts and ESDs will send their respective employees a link to the survey via email.
  • ODE will provide schools and districts aggregate and suppressed summaries of their respective EVE survey results.
  • ODE will development a data dashboard to publicly display state-level EVE Survey results

Please email with any questions you have regarding the EVE Survey.

  • Survey administration guide (coming soon!)
  • Survey administration toolkit (coming soon!)
  • ​Frequently asked questions (coming soon!)