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Continuous Improvement Process and Planning

School & District. Continuous Improvement Cycle. Set the direction/vision. Assess needs. Create strategic plan. Implement strategic plan. Monitor work, adjust, and feedback loops.What is the Continuous Improvement Process?

Schools and districts in Oregon are called upon to engage in continuous improvement work to improve outcomes for students. A continuous improvement process is the process by which districts and schools:

  • Determine what is working and what needs to change;
  • Establish a process to engage stakeholders to effect change;
  • Leverage effective practices to implement a plan;
  • Use data to monitor and make timely adjustments to improve outcomes.

The continuous improvement process results in the development of an ambitious, priority-driven action plan where routine collaboration and decision-making among district leaders is reflected throughout implementation.

Quick Links

ODE produces yearly report cards for schools and districts. These reports, called for by the 1999 state legislature, provide educators with an opportunity to communicate directly with parents and community members about how local schools are performing.

Current updates can now be found on the Innovation and Improvement's 
Integrated Monthly Communication News and Updates page.

FSI Allocations SY2025-26 for 2023-24 Identifications

Stay Connected

Student Investment Account/Student Success Act
The Student Investment Account is a non-competitive grant program which, when fully implemented, represents an investment of close to $500 million going directly to Oregon school districts and eligible charter schools.

This page offers information to support engaging communities, assessing needs, planning well, and implementing programs aligned under the Integrated Guidance for Student Success.

Tools for Schools and Districts

Please contact the Office of EII with questions or for more information.