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Accelerated Learning

Educational experiences that provide high school students with the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school are known in Oregon as “accelerated learning” programs. Accelerated Learning Programs aim to provide bridges that support and encourage a college-going culture and reduce gaps in college access and academic achievement. They can smooth the transition into a college or university by enabling high school students to successfully earn college credit and to be better prepared for postsecondary expectations. REL- Education Northwest Research (2018) states that students who participate in accelerated learning during high school are 30% more likely to graduate from high school, 25% more likely to enroll in college and 22% more likely to persist in college.

Rulemaking for Oregon Revised Statute 340

Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 340 is the law that governs the ways Oregon students earn college credit while in high school, which are sometimes called Accelerated Learning. All students should have access to a variety of college-credit granting opportunities. ORS 340 aims to expand program options available to all Oregon students, and to increase access to these programs for historically underserved students.

During the 2023 Legislative Session, Oregon Revised Statute 340 was revised (HB 2275) to eliminate redundancy and clarify expectations for college credit in the high school programs. No new requirements were added.

The rulemaking process requires ODE to draft rules for presentation to the State Board of Education for each of the three sections of ORS 340. More information can be found in the College Credit in the High School: Oregon Revised Statute 340 information document.


Test Fee Program For information on the current school year’s AP/IB Test Fee Program, please visit the AP/IB Test Fee Program webpage.

For information about HB 4137 relating to Internation Baccalaureate students and the Oregon Diploma credit requirements, please consult the IB Program Completion and Oregon Diploma Credit Requirements FAQ.

Oregon's Accelerated Learning Programs

Accelerated Learning Grant​

The Oregon Accelerated College Credit Program Grant provides funding to Oregon public school districts, Oregon Education Service Districts (ESDs), regional consortiums, and/or Oregon public postsecondary institutions to encourage, support, and facilitate accelerated learning options in regions of Oregon with the highest ​​​need. 

​​Career & College Collaborative

C3 Very informative web page with good resources managed by Oregon’s dual credit coordinators. ​


ASPIRE is the state of Oregon's mentoring program to help students access education and training beyond high school. The program matches trained and supportive adult volunteer mentors with middle and high school students to develop a plan to help them meet their future career and education goals. 

​​The Higher Education Coordinating Commission​

HECC works with numerous state, campus, and community partners to foster improved and seamless pathways during the important transition years of grades 11-14 as students move from high school to college or career.

​​The Office of Student Access and Completion

​OSAC ​helps high school students plan for college. The resources provided can help students navigate the process of preparing and planning for college. 


​The Federal TRIO Programs are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities.​

High Sch​ool Based​ C​​ollege Credit Partnerships​

​​These courses are typically taught on a high school campus by a high school teacher. These programs are categorized as either: 

Dual Credit​

In Dual Credit courses, the high school teacher is determined qualified by their partnering post-secondary institution’s content departments to act as a proxy faculty member. These courses are sufficiently similar to enable the student to be described as “taking a course” from the postsecondary institution. 

Sponsored Dual Credit 

In Sponsored Dual Credit courses, a high school teacher partners with a sponsoring faculty member at a college or university to offer the course. These courses are sufficiently similar to enable the student to be described as “taking a course” from the postsecondary institution. ​

Assessment Based Learning Credit ​

​In Assessment Based Learning, students are provided an opportunity to earn college credit by demonstrating they have achieved a course’s learning outcomes.​

​​​International Baccalaureate (IB)​​

IB schools offer challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. Students can take high school IB cour​ses and earn college credit. The Oregon Test Fee Program​​​ provides funds to pay for the cost of IB registration & tests for low income students and also pays for part of the cost of IB tests for non-low income test takers.

​​Students have the option to take classes on a post-secondary campus taught by a college professor.

Expa​nded​ Options

​​ ​​Students who require additional options to further their high school e​​ducation can submit a request to their local school district to attend a partnering post-secondary institution to further their education.​ ​​​

Post Graduate Sc​holar Program​

​ Students who have earned a high school diploma but whose GPA falls below the 2.5 requirement for the Oregon Promise Grant, are ineligible for the PELL Grant or the gra​nt does not fully cover one year of college tuition and fees, can maintain enrollment at their local high school and attend their local community college. This gives students additional support to make the transition to post-secondary education or training.​​​

​​Advance​d Placement (AP) ​

The Advanced Placement Program® (AP) enables willing and academically prepared students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. The program consists of college-level courses developed by the AP Program that high schools can choose to offer, and corresponding exams that are administered once a year. The Oregon Test Fee Program​​ provides funds to pay for the cost of AP tests for low income students and also pays for part of the cost of AP tests for non-low income test takers.​

These resources were created to assist districts in planning during the 20/21 school year. While they are no longer current, they may contain useful information for those planning for spring and summer of the 21/22 school year.

The Accelerated Learning Summer 2021 Program Directory​ was created by ODE (Oregon Department of Education) with the support of HECC (Higher Education Coordination Commission). It aims to support Oregon school districts, in partnership with post-secondary institutions (listed alphabetically), to plan and provide summer learning opportunities for students.

The Advanced Placement & International Baccalaureate Testing and Ready Schools, Safe Learners document looks specifically at third party Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) testing, together with the requirements for schools in CDL for offering in-person testing during the spring testing windows in 2021.​

For more information on this topic, please email Kristidel McGregor or call (971) 208-0400.