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Teacher Licensure

Course to Endorsement Catalogue

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires teachers be properly licensed/endorsed for each course they teach. The Course to Endorsement Catalogue is a collaborative project between ODE and TSPC which identifies, by endorsement, the courses that teachers are authorized to teach.

The Catalogue includes descriptions of each course. Districts are encouraged to read the descriptions for the course codes to select the course code that best fits the content being taught. The Catalogue is updated each year with minor changes to ensure consistency with NCES course codes.

Please read the Using the Course-to-Endorsement Catalogue instruction document to understand how the Catalogue works.

Course to Endorsement Lookup Tool

The Course to Endorsement Look-Up Tool contains the same information as the Catalogue, just in a dropdown menu format.

The tool contains both a look-up table to search course codes that can be taught by specific endorsement, and a look-up table to search endorsements authorized to teach a specific course code.


In Oregon, the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission is the licensing agency for all educators.

Please visit the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission website for more information.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Licensing

To teach in an Oregon state approved CTE program, the instructor must have an appropriate CTE license and/or endorsement, specific to the program career area.

For more information, please visit the Career and Technical Education Teacher Licensure page.