ESEA Federal Programs
Title I-D
Neglected and Delinquent or At-Risk Children
English Learners and Immigrant Youth
Title IV-A
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant
Title IV-B
Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Title V-B
Rural Education Achievement Program
Title VI-A
American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian Education
Additional Resources
ESEA Quick Reference Briefs
Each brief highlights a specific topic under ESSA, providing a summary of the relevant section of the law, recommendations for practice, questions for district reflection and in many cases, FAQs
Parent Notification Letters
Parents/guardians must be notified promptly regarding a student's assessment results and English Language Learner status. ODE has provided several letter templates for district use in multiple translations.
Private School Participation Under ESEA
ESEA provides benefits to private school students, teachers and other education personnel, including those in religiously affiliated schools
This one-time competitive grant program provides additional funding and resources to grantees to support the strengthening of their programs to ensure student well-being
The monitoring of federal grant programs allows the Oregon Department of Education and districts to collaborate while providing equitable education to all students and ensuring accountability
Districts receive federal funding under ESEA through either a competitive process or a predetermined formula established by the U.S. Department of Education
Federal funds have guidelines and requirements that must be followed to ensure fiscal accountability and program compliance
Information regarding the Federal Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program and the State of Oregon's role in the program