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Budget and Analysis

Biennium Budget Information


ODE has a centralized, uniform electronic grant system we call E-Grant Management System (EGMS). EGMS allows our customers to monitor their subgrants from beginning to end and submit their claims electronically via our ODE District Site.

EGMS Claim Administrator Form

All customers who are issued a subgrant by ODE are required to provide two generic email addresses (EGMS uses these to process documents and correspondence), obtain the rights, User Name and Password to access EGMS via our ODE District Site and submit their claims electronically, through EGMS.

EGMS Instructions for Subgrantees

This is where you will find the step by step instructions on how to access EGMS. If you have any questions or need assistance, see contacts in the specific grant areas. Once set up, EGMS is easy to access and subgrant information is always available.

Please contact ODE EGMS to request a current EGMS Access Request Form or an EGMS External User Guide.