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Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility East is an approved, but not-yet-constructed, 300-megawatt (MW) wind power generation facility. The Facility is approved to include up to 107 wind turbines, up to 27 miles of 230 kV transmission line in single or double circuit configuration, and other related or supporting facilities to be located within an approximately 14,640-acre site boundary in Umatilla and Morrow Counties.

Approved/Under Construction. Council issued its Final Order on Request for Amendment 1 of the Site Certificate for Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility East and the associated request for contested case on June 5, 2024. The amended site certificate requires the certificate holder to begin construction of all facility components located in areas added to the site by the Final Order on or before May 31, 2027. Previously approved portions of the site are considered to be under construction. The amended site certificate requires the certificate holder to complete construction in these areas by May 24, 2026.​

​WREFE facility components would be located in Umatilla and Morrow counties. WREFE is located approximately 4.75 miles northeast of Heppner. PDF Map I Online Map​

Applicant/Certificate holder: Wheatridge East Wind LLC, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources LLC.
ODOE contact: Christopher Clark
Applicant/Certificate holder contact: David Lawlor

​​​​​​​On November 19, 2020, the Energy Facility Siting Council approved Request for Amendment 1 of the Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility II site certificate, which authorized allocation of previously approved facility components into an amended and two original site certificates for Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility II, Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility III and Wheatridge Re​newable Energy Facility East​, respectively. The documentation for the original project can be found on the Wheatridge Renewable Energy Facility II webpage.

  • Click here to view a diagram of the Site Certificate history.​​

Project Amendment(s)

Attachment 1 (Exhibits)


Project Timeline

Additional Documents

For other documents related to WREFE, please see the original facility page​.




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Exhibit Files Reference

  • Exhibit A: Applicant Information 
  • Exhibit B: Project Description
  • Exhibit C: Property Location and Maps
  • Exhibit D: Organizational Information
  • Exhibit E​: Permits Required
  • Exhibit F: Property Ownership 
  • Exhibit G: Materials Analysis
  • Exhibit H: Geology and Soil Stability 
  • Exhibit I: Soils
  • Exhibit J: Wetlands
  • Exhibit K: Land Use
  • Exhibit L: Protected Areas
  • Exhibit M: Financial Analysis
  • Exhibit N​: Non-generating Facility Information
  • Exhibit O: Water Requirements
  • Exhibit P: Fish Wildlife Habitat 
  • Exhibit Q: Threatened and Endangered Plants and Animals
  • Exhibit R: Scenic Aesthetic Values 
  • Exhibit S: Cultural Resources
  • Exhibit T: Recreational Facilities 
  • Exhibit U: Public Services
  • Exhibit V​: Waste Minimization 
  • Exhibit W: Site Restoration
  • Exhibit X: Noise 
  • Exhibit Y: Carbon Dioxide Emissions 
  • Exhibit Z: Cooling Towers  
  • Exhibit AA: EMFs – Electric and Magnetic Fields
  • Exhibit BB: Other Information
  • Exhibit CC: Additional Statutes Rules Ordinances
  • Exhibit DD​: Other Specific Standards