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Oregon CTE State Plan

The Oregon Career and Technical Education (CTE) State Plan

The Oregon CTE State Plan is a high level, four-year strategic plan that integrates state and federal priorities into an implementation plan for the "Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act" (commonly known as Perkins V). Leveraging ongoing partnerships across the state, the CTE State Plan identifies actionable strategies to ensure high-quality learning that is accessible to all learners in Oregon.

The Oregon CTE State Plan calls for the formation of a Statewide Advisory Council to provide ongoing advice, guidance, and feedback on the strategies and progress being made throughout the implementation of the State Plan and its goals.

The Oregon CTE State Plan was adopted by the State Board of Education at their meeting on April 18, 2024, and was adopted by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE) on July 1, 2024.

2024-2027 Adopted CTE State Plan

This plan is required for federal Perkins funding, but more broadly serves as Oregon's strategic plan for CTE.

The plan continues to support CTE Programs of Study, spanning schools and colleges to ensure that all students and families—including those historically and currently underserved and marginalized—are welcome, safe, and included in our institutions and programs. The priority is to create quality relationships, experiences, and interactions among learners, educators, and business and community partners.

Engagement Sessions

ODE and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) hosted over 50 engagement sessions between May and December of 2023, and consulted with over 1,200 CTE partners—including students and families/caregivers; tribal leaders; educators; administrators; regional coordinators and grant managers; advisory council/board members; and business, industry, and workforce development partners and community-based organizations—who helped develop the new four-year CTE strategic plan.

Previous Versions

Oregon CTE State Plan — Revised August 2022

Archived Information

This information relates to the original submission and is included here for reference purposes.

For further information, please contact Jennell Ives.