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Perkins V Grant Awards

2024-2025 - Preliminary Awards for the State of Oregon

Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act - Perkins V 

For 2024-2025 Perkins Awards: 20% of allocated funds will be available in July 2024. The remainder of the funds will be released in October 2024.

Consortia Award Recipients




Central Oregon Perkins Alliance
$   871,783
$  157,523

Clackamas Technical Education Consortium
$   883,398
$  159,043

Douglas CTE Consortium
$   134,473
$    93,736

Eastern Oregon CTE Consortium
$   201,258
$    85,420

InterMountain CTE Consortium 
$   294,127
$    81,676

Lane CTE Consortium
$   544,728
$  182,220

Linn-Benton CTE Consortium
$   680,020
$  112,837

Mt. Hood CTE Consortium
$   682,868
$  151,459

Mid-Willamette Education Consortium
$  254,336

North Coast Educational Consortium
$   154,436
$    30,847

Portland Area CTE Consortium
$   295,906
$  568,987

Southern Oregon CTE Consortium
$   727,783
$  245,798

South Coast CTE Consortium
$   338,586
$    69,656

Tillamook Education Consortium
$     88,249
$    28,938

Direct Award Recipients - Secondary

Secondary Recipient


Beaverton School District 48J
$  372,914
Central Point School District 6
$    53,928
David Douglas School District 40
$  152,673
Douglas County School District 4
$    87,993
Gresham-Barlow School District 1J
$  129,850
Hermiston School District 8
$    64,953
Hillsboro School District 1J
$  199,971
Medford School District 549
$  179,200
Portland School District 1J
$  470,328
Salem-Keizer School District 24J
$  543,273

Direct Award Recipients - Postsecondary

Postsecondary Recipient


Lane Community College
$   846,587
Portland Community College
Rogue Community College
$  502,838
Treasure Valley Community College
$  153,187
Umpqua Community College
$  256,951

Distribution of Funds 2023-2024

Distribution of Funds 2022-2023

For further information, please contact Sandy Cassio.