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Perkins Grant Application Resources 2025-2027


For the 2025-2027 Perkins community engagement, needs assessment, and application process, the following resources have been developed. Grant recipients will also find a link to this web page on their Perkins Dashboard. 

The Updated Integrated Guidance offers two appendices to assist districts and others in their understanding of the Perkins recommended processes.

Appendix L: Supporting CTE Perkins Direct Recipients

Appendix M: Supporting CTE Regional Consortia Members

Community Engagement and Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment

All Perkins recipients—whether a direct recipient or a member of a consortium—must engage community partners in a comprehensive local needs assessment process which addresses the six required elements in the Perkins Law Sec 134(c)(2). While each recipient may choose a process that works best for their school district or college, all are required to address the elements and include the named community partners. The following tools are offered:

Secondary Recipients

The community engagement and needs assessment process should be completed by January 2025.

Postsecondary Recipients

The community engagement and needs assessment process should be completed by March 2025.

Consortia Members

All recipients must utilize the required community engagement in the needs assessment process, and consortia members must provide the results to the CTE Regional Coordinator for use in the development of the consortia plan and application for Perkins funds. Including the CTE Regional Coordinator in the engagement processes is important in developing a holistic regional strategy.

Secondary and Postsecondary representatives should be planning and collaborating across institutional boundaries to ensure the best outcome for their regions.

Other resources that may be helpful for planning the needs assessment:

Community Engagement Survey Bank: This survey bank includes many more CTE and Career Connected Learning questions for students, staff, families, and community members. There is an accompanying Community Engagement Survey Resource Guide.

Statewide Needs Assessment Guide: Originally published in August 2021, this guide has five attachments which contain CTE specific questions and strategies. (The submission prompts and rubric are currently outdated.)

Perkins Plan, Application and Budget Template

Perkins Secondary Recipients (All)

The Perkins required questions are fully embedded in the integrated application and budget template. Please refer to the Integrated Guidance web page for more information. The Integrated Application is due in April 2025, and requires board approval.

Perkins Secondary Consortia Member Districts

The district's integrated application will include CTE priorities and activities—but the budget template will not reflect any CTE investments. The CTE Regional Coordinator will convene consortia leadership to review the results of the district and college needs assessment and identified priorities in order to arrive at regional plan priorities.

Perkins Postsecondary Consortia Members

The college will share the results of the community engagement and needs assessment with the CTE Regional Coordinator. The CTE Regional Coordinator will convene consortia leadership to review the results of the district and college needs assessment and identified priorities in order to arrive at regional plan priorities.

Postsecondary Direct Recipients

The 2025-2027 Perkins Plan, Application and Budget are due June 30, 2025. Applications will be collected via Smartsheet. The document below can be used to prepare responses.


The 2025-2027 Perkins Plan, Application and Budget are due June 30, 2025. Applications will be collected via Smartsheet. The document below can be used to prepare responses.


For further information, please contact Sandy Cassio.