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Student Educational Equity Development Survey (SEED)


The Student Educational Equity Development Survey (SEED) will help the Oregon Department of Education gather information about the educational experiences of students in Oregon. This information will help ODE to develop appropriate resources and supports for districts in Oregon, and better target those resources and supports where they are most needed. The SEED Survey will also help ODE better interpret information we are already gathering through statewide testing.

The SEED Survey gathers data from students statewide, in grades 3-11. The content of the survey varies by grade level. The survey measures student perceptions in four core domains:  

• Access to learning resources
• Opportunity to learn
• Self-efficacy
• Sense of belonging

The middle and high school versions of the survey also include questions pertaining to extracurricular engagement and career and technical education. High school versions of the survey further include questions around post-graduation planning. The survey is available in multiple languages. The same accessibility supports are available for the SEED survey as on statewide summative assessments. In 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23, schools and districts choose whether to offer the SEED Survey to their students. Beginning in 2023-24, in compliance with HB 2656, districts must make the SEED survey available to all students in grades 3-11 who are enrolled in Oregon public schools or programs.

SEED Survey information may also help districts develop a fuller picture of their local contexts and make strategic modifications to curriculum, instruction, and para-academic supports that they offer students.

Feedback and comments for the SEED Survey and Communication Toolkit may be submitted to ODE through this Google form.

Please email with any questions you have regarding the SEED and/or Alt-SEED Surveys.

Resources to support districts in preparing parents, students, and staff for SEED Survey administration. To access the Test Administration Manual, Oregon Accessibility Manual, Remote Testing Resources, and User Guides, please see the Assessment Administration webpage.

Copies of all SEED Survey items are located in the documents below. Please see the Assessment Administration web page ‘Administration Manuals' menu for administration information.

Copies of Alt-SEED survey items are located in the documents below. Alt-SEED administration information and access to the survey portal are located on the OR website. Alt-SEED Surveys are to be administered by the teacher (Qualified Assessor) who is most familiar with the student.

ODE also provides a Summer SEED Survey which is an optional student perception survey designed to help leaders better understand students' experiences in summer programs. Find more information about the Summer SEED Survey on the Summer Learning webpage under the Summer Learning Best Practices Guide and Toolkit.