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Tribal History/Shared History (TH/SH)

In 2017, the Oregon Legislature enacted Senate Bill (SB) 13, now known as Tribal History/Shared History.THSH-logo.png This law directs to Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to create K-12 Native American Curriculum for inclusion in Oregon public schools and to provide professional development to educators. The law also directs the ODE to provide funds to each of the nine federally recognized tribes in Oregon to create individual place-based curriculum. For years the state has been missing a critical opportunity to fully leverage the strengths, assets, and contributions that our Native American students bring to their communities. The lack of accurate and complete curricula may contribute to the persistent achievement and opportunity gaps between Native American and other students.

Native Americans lived in this state since time immemorial, long before it became Oregon. How can we teach youth about Oregon history without including the voice of Oregon's Native American peoples – both past and present? This general lack of knowledge about Native American people extends to curricula - thus the need for Tribal History/Shared History. Each nation has a distinct origin story, worldview, and timeline of their history and contemporary context. However, much of that information has been presented to the general American public from a non-Native American perspective, filled with clichés, misconceptions and falsehoods. The ODE partnered with representatives of the nine federally recognized Tribal governments in Oregon to create the Essential Understandings of Native Americans in Oregon. These nine essential understandings have been created to serve as an introduction into the vast diversity of the Oregon Native American experience.

NEW TH/SH Community of Practice! This meeting will provide a platform for educators to share best practices when delivering the TH/SH lesson plans. This will be a great resource for educators to share experiences. The zoom link can be accessed by all educators, curriculum developers, and administrators! Please feel free to share with those interested! We will meet on the second Wednesday of the month from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Our next seheduled meeting is on January 8th, We hope to see you there!

Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 161 056 2171

Lesson Plans

Thank you for utilizing the Curriculum Materials and Lesson Plans found in the accordions below. ODE contracted with Education Northwest to create lesson plans in grades 4th, 5th, 8th, and 10th informed by the Essential Understandings and aligned to the state standards. Critical orientations for Indigenous studies curriculum focus on Place, Presence, Perspectives, Political Nationhood, Power, and Partnerships. These lessons embody indigenous teaching and learning opportunities specific to Native Americans. 

The SB 13 Tribal History/Shared History lesson plans will be updated as necessary revisions are completed. Please continue to check the website to ensure you have the most updated lesson plan(s) available. We are also actively in the process of translating all materials into Spanish. Currently about half of the materials, and most of the lesson plans, are translated and are in the process of being added to the accordions. They are also available in Google format and can be found below the stated grade level. 

Please be aware that many lesson plans, slide presentations, and supporting materials contain website links that may have expired by the host sites. We are aware of the potential for broken links and are in the process of updating these resources. If you should find a broken link, please contact Brent Spencer or Jennifer Belle at the emails located at the bottom of our page and we will work with you to find a solution. 

Lesson Adaptation Ideas for Comprehensive Distance Learning 

4th Grade

Lesson Materials:

 Cultural Bias, Stereotypes, and the Effects of Boarding Schools​

G4 HLTH Lesson Plan Cultural Bias Boarding Schools

Additional Materials​

​Games for Physical Skill and Endurance​

G4 HLTH Lesson Plan Games for Physical Skill and Endurance

Language Revitalization​

G4 HLTH Lesson Plan Language Revitalization

Additional Materials

5th Grade

8th Grade

Lesson Materials:

Lewis & Clark: A Native American View

Lesson Materials:

Lesson Materials:

Human Impacts on the Environment: The Salmon Population in Oregon

G8 SC Lesson Plan Human Impacts on the Environment

Additional Materials

Lesson Materials:

10th Grade

Lesson Materials:

Identity, Health and Survivance

G10 HLTH Lesson Plan​ Identity and Survivance

Additional Materials

Tribal History Wheel.png

Image: Tribal History/Shared History (THSH) in partnership with the nine Federally recognized Tribes of Oregon collobrated on the Nine important aspects of THSH - Since Time Immemorial - History - Identity - Language - Genocide, Federal policy, and Laws - Treaties with the United States - Lifeways - Tribal Government - Soverignty

Professional Development

Thank you for your interest in the Tribal History/Shared History Professional Development Modules. Watch this video for an introduction to the modules from April Campbell, Assistant Superintendent of the Office of Indian Education.

The modules are now available via a direct link without logging into iLearn.

Watch this short video to learn how to fill out the form, access the training module, and download the completion certificate.

Follow the directions below to access the trainings:


Fill out the SB13 Inservice Form for the password to the training. Then click on the SB 13 Inservice link below to access the webpage.

SB13 Inservice​ storyboard project of short videos including presentations on the background of Senate Bill (SB) 13 Tribal History/Shared History, The Essential Understandings of Native Americans in Oregon process, The 6 P’s (Critical Orientations for Indigenous Studies Curriculum), Tribal place-based curricula, as well as lesson modeling demonstrations.


Fill out the SB13 Tribal History/Shared History Access Form for the password to the training. Click on the Module 1 link below to access the webpage.

Module 1​ covers the following sections of the nine Essential Understandings:​​

  • Essential Understanding 1: Since Time Immemorial
  • Essential Understanding 2: Sovereignty

It is designed to support educators in building a foundation for teaching, training, and serving as a source of support, knowledge, and advocacy within their school, district, or organization for the Senate Bill 13 Tribal History/Shared History curriculum.


Fill out the SB13 Module 2 Access Form for the password to the training. Click on the Module 2 link below to access the webpage.

Module 2​ covers the following sections of the nine Essential Understandings:

  • Essential Understanding 3: History
  • Essential Understanding 4: Tribal Government

​It is designed to support educators in building a foundation for teaching, training, and serving as a source of support, knowledge, and advocacy within their school, district, or organization for the Senate Bill 13 Tribal History/Shared History curriculum.


Fill out the SB13 Module 3 Access Form for the password to the training. Click on the Module 3 link below to access the webpage.

Module 3​ covers the following sections of the nine Essential Understandings:

  • Essential Understanding 5: Identity
  • Essential Understanding 6: Lifeways

It is designed to support educators in building a foundation for teaching, training, and serving as a source of support, knowledge, and advocacy within their school, district, or organization for the Senate Bill 13 Tribal History/Shared History curriculum.


Fill out the SB13 Module 4 Access Form for the password to the training. Click on the Module 4 link below to access the webpage.

Module 4​ covers the following sections of the nine Essential Understandings:

  • Essential Understanding 7: Language
  • Essential Understanding 8: Treaties with the United States

It is designed to support educators in building a foundation for teaching, training, and serving as a source of support, knowledge, and advocacy within their school, district, or organization for the Senate Bill 13 Tribal History/Shared History curriculum.


Fill out the SB13 Module 5 Access Form for the password to the training. Click on the Module 5 link below to access the webpage.

Module 5​ covers the following sections of the nine Essential Understandings:

  • Essential Understanding 9: Genocide, Federal Policy and Laws

It is designed to support educators in building a foundation for teaching, training, and serving as a source of support, knowledge, and advocacy within their school, district, or organization for the Senate Bill 13 Tribal History/Shared History curriculum.

2023 Implementation of the Tribal History/Shared History Curriculum

This report is the result of collaboration between Region 16 Comprehensive Center, the Office of Indian Education at the Oregon Department of Education, and researchers Scott Christian and Rhonda Larson. We are incredibly thankful to the individuals, districts, organizations, and Tribes supporting exemplary implementation of the Tribal History/Shared History curriculum statewide. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience, and expertise with the authors of this report.

2022 Tribal History/ Shared History Status Assessment

Tribal History/Shared History in the U.S.

American Indian Education Curriculum - Examples from other states:

Past Events

Lesson Plan Preview Event - August 20th, 2019
Train the Trainer Powerpoint Presentation​ - December 12, 2019


​Senate Bill 13 Tribal History/Shared History Live Online PD Event - December 9th 2020

2020 Updates 

Contact the Office of Indian Education

April Campbell, Assistant Superintendent:

Renee Roman Nose, Native American Student Success Coordinator:

Brent Spencer, Indian Education Coordinator:

Brandon Culbertson, Senior Early Literacy Advisor:

Stacy Parrish, Indian Education Specialist:

Nicole Barney, Early Literacy Education Specialist:

Raina Reece, Executive Support Specialist:

Stephanie Gluck, Research & Data Analyst: