The Post-graduate Scholars Program allows high schools to provide opportunities and access to post-secondary education for students in specific circumstances who otherwise may not have access to this kind of opportunity.
In general, students are eligible for the Post-graduate Scholars program if they meet the following criteria (please see the guidance document and FAQ for more details about eligibility):
The student has attended at least 4 years of high school, and is eligible to earn a high school diploma
The student has earned below a 2.5 GPA (and thus is not eligible for Oregon Promise).
The student is ineligible for the PELL Grant, or the grant does not cover one year of college tuition and fees.
The purpose of this program is to provide schools with a path to better serve this student population by providing them with the support to successfully transition from high school to post-secondary opportunities.
Legislative History
In 2016, the Oregon State Legislature passed the Post-graduate scholars program (SB 1537). The Post-graduate Scholars Program establishes criteria for school districts to utilize State School Funds to develop programs which provide additional financial support and academic services for participating students to enroll in community college courses. These students have the opportunity to obtain college credits and successfully transition into postsecondary education with the support of their high school.
The original law had a sunset clause that was scheduled to end the program on June 30, 2021. In the 2021 legislative session, SB 843 repealed that portion of the law, so the Post-graduate Scholars Program is still available for schools who want to maintain their existing program and for schools that choose to create a program. The law no longer has a sunset.
For detailed guidance on how to implement a Post-graduate Scholars Program, please consult the Post-graduate Scholars Policy Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions.
Districts can find more information about the law at the following links: