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Safety in School Sports - Concussions

During the 2009 Session, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 348 (SB348), codified as ORS 336.485 as a response to the serious issue of sports-related concussion injuries as a result of inappropriate treatment and diagnosis. This law requires individuals engaged in athletic coaching in Oregon be annually trained in recognizing the signs and symptoms of a concussion and how to seek proper medical treatment for a person suspected of having a concussion. It also requires student athletes who exhibit signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion; or have been diagnosed with a concussion, not participate in any athletic event or training until medical release is obtained. Oregon Administrative Rule 581-022-0421 details these statutory requirements.

Making the Rule a Reality
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) partners with Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) and other professional, national, and community organizations to identify trainings which meet agreed upon criteria for coaching staff in Oregon schools. These trainings are available on-line, free of charge to coaching staff in Oregon school districts.

Concussion Management Training Courses
Currently there are two concussion management classes that satisfy the state statute for training of coaches annually; Brain 101: The Concussion Playbook from the Oregon Center for Applied Science (ORCAS) and the Concussion Management Course from the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) available through the CDC website and directly from NFHS. Both programs are FREE of charge.

Training Courses

When a concussion happens to a student, it’s critical that the entire school community—staff, students, and their parents—knows how to respond in ways that ensure the student’s best chance of recovery.

National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Concussion Management Course
This course highlights the impact of sports-related concussion on athletes, teaches how to recognize a suspected concussion, and provides protocols to manage a suspected concussion with steps to help players return to play safely after a concussion.

CDC Heads Up: Concussion in HS Sports
To help coaches, parents and athletes properly identify and respond to a concussion, CDC, in partnership with leading experts and organizations, developed the HEADS UP: Concussion in School Sports initiative and materials.

Oregon Administrative Rules and Revised Statutes

Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Division 22
Scroll to OAR 581-022-2215

Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) – 336.485


These resources are meant to provide athletic directors, coaches, educators and parents with helpful information to identify signs and symptoms of a concussion. Information is provided for educational/informational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.

Concussion Guidance for Districts
This document provides guidance for districts on the implementation of the legislative mandates around Safety of School Sports - Concussions.

Max's Law: Concussion Management Implementation Guide for Administrators
Oregon Concussion Awareness and Management Program (OCAMP).

Ely Sanders