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Oregon Farm to CNP Main Page

Oregon Farm to Child Nutrition Programs

Farm to School and School Gardens. Oregon Department of Education

Oregon Farm to CNP Grant

This is the STATE grant with State funds. This grant program has been operating since 2012.  

USDA Farm to School Local Food For Schools (LFS) Grant  

This is the FEDERAL grant with Federal funds. Open to all Sponsors who participate in the National School Lunch Program. This grant closed August 31, 2024.  

The Farm to School Communications Toolkit is available!

This Toolkit is designed to help school districts communicate about their farm to school programs and how they use school gardens to engage students and promote healthy food choices. 

School Event Announcement | Media Advisory and Press Release | Social Media

Farm to CNP Newsletter

Check out the latest issue (March 2025) of our Oregon Farm to CNP Newsletter! These issues will be stored on our Oregon Farm to CNP in the News page

2022-2023 Oregon School Garden Survey

Currently Oregon has 788 school gardens! That’s just over half of the schools in Oregon.

We last did an extensive survey starting in 2017. We spent the past couple years getting feedback of what we were missing, and adding or changing the questions we had. We were ready to send out the survey, and like everything else, we had to pause while COVID ran its course, as many gardens were inactive. 

We now have 44 questions, it should take 15-20 minutes to complete a survey for each garden. We ask that everybody should fill out a new survey for this, even if you have filled one out in the past. It’s important to fill out the survey even if your garden is in hiatus or inactive, as there are many questions that will give us great information while our evaluation team and Oregon Farm to School & School Garden Network continue to shape our future in school gardens! Here's the link to take the survey

Oregon Farm to School Resource People 

Looking for help? Here's the Oregon Farm to School Resource People document from the Oregon Farm to School Network. Updated July 2024.

Farm to Child Nutrition Programs

Incorporating local food into school meals, farm field trips and other educational programming.

For more information, contact:

Rick Sherman, Farm to CNP Analyst, or  Amy Lahrman, Farm to CNP Assistant, or Nadia Kelem, Farm to CNP Assistant

General mailbox: FarmToCNP

Subscribe to our mailing list. Subscribers will receive news, updates and resource information for all things Farm to CNP as well as the Fresh Fruit and Veggie Program (FFVP), including important updates to our Farm to CNP grants. Note: when you use this link it will direct you to a generic looking "Oregon Department of Education email updates" sign-up page. It doesn't say it, but it really is the Farm to CNP & FFVP listserv!

Core Partner of the National Farm to School Network. Please visit our main partners:

 National Farm to School Network Logo              Oregon Farm to School & School Garden Network Logo

OSU Extension Service Logo    Oregon Separtment of Agriculture Logo