*Timeline is subject to change (updated 12/17/2024)
7/18/23 - Informal notification of awards. All programs that participate in NSLP, CACFP or SFSP (with some small exceptions) will be notified that they should expect an award amount.
7/17/23 Mandatory Training. Please view as your schedule allows. After viewing is complete, each grantee must fill out a Reimbursement Grant Training Attestation Form. The link to the Reimbursement Grant Training Attestation Form can be found at the end of the Mandatory Training. Any questions can be sent to us at FarmtoCNP@ode.oregon.gov.
9/29/23 - Baseline Report due for new Sponsors (before first claim). A pdf of the Baseline Report is also available for review should it be helpful before submitting answers online. Final Report due for returning Sponsors (before first claim).
TBA - Formal announcement from ODE Procurement, including new grant agreement. Grant goes live as soon as Sponsor returns agreement, retroactive to July 1, 2023.
9/29/24 - A Progress report is usually due by this date. This will not be required for the 23-25 biennium.
6/30/25 - All funds must be spent by this date.
8/14/25 - All funds must be processed in EGMS.
9/30/25 - Final Report due.
NOTE: Once a Sponsor exhausts their Reimbursement Grant funds they will be eligible to apply for additioanl funding through the Competitive Reimbursement Grant.