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Farm to CNP Grants - Reimbursement

A close-up of a clump of blueberries on a bush.  

Oregon Farm to CNP Noncompetitive Reimbursement Grant

The 2023-2025 biennium runs from July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025. The Legislature approved the Farm to CNP Grant again for this biennium. Therefore, all sponsors of NSLP, CACFP and SFSP programs (with a few exceptions) will automatically be opted in to the ODE Non-Competitive Reimbursement Grant for Oregon Grown & Processed Food, also known as the 'Reimbursement Grant.'

Reimbursement Grant Details

*Timeline is subject to change (updated 10/10/2023)

7/18/23 - Informal notification of awards. All programs that participate in NSLP, CACFP or SFSP (with some small exceptions) will be notified that they should expect an award amount. 

7/17/23 Mandatory Training​. Please view as your schedule allows. After viewing is complete, each grantee must fill out a Reimbursement Grant Training Attestation Form​. The link to the Reimbursement Grant Training Attestation Form can be found at the end of the Mandatory Training. Any questions can be sent to us at​

9/29/23 - Baseline Report due​ for new Sponsors (before first claim). A pdf of the Baseline Report​ is also available for review should it be helpful before submitting answers online. Final Report due​ for returning Sponsors (before first claim).​

TBA - Formal announcement from ODE Procurement, including new grant agreement. Grant goes live as soon as Sponsor returns agreement, retroactive to July 1, 2023.

9/29/24 - Progress Repo​rt due.

6/30/25 - All funds must be spent by this date.

7/30/25 - All funds should be processed in EGMS.

9/30/25 - Final Report due. 

NOTE: Once a Sponsor exhausts their Reimbursement Grant funds they will be eligible to apply for additioanl funding through the Competitive Reimbursement Grant. 


7/18/2023 Mandatory Traini​ng​.​ Please view as your schedule allows. After viewing is complete, each grantee must fill out a Reimbursement Grant Training Attestation Form​. The link to the Reimbursement Grant Training Attestation Form can be found at the end of the Mandatory Training. Any questions can be sent to us at​. ​

​​New grantees will need to complete the following steps to have an award set up in EGMS.

  • Complete an Insitution ID​ Request FormAn Institution ID number is required to access grant funds.  As a new grantee, we realize you may not know/have all the information requested on the form. Please fill it out as best you can and send it to You will be notified if there is additional information needed.
  • Complete an EGMS Ac​cess Request Form (English) (Spanish​)​ This is the platform in which you will enter your claim amounts in order to receive reimbursements. Please send the completed form to
  • Complete a Dire​ct Deposit FormThe direct deposit form will need to be mailed to the address listed on the form. 

All of these items can be found on the EGMS webp​age​.​ On this page you will also find a useful resource titled "New ODE Grantee FAQ". This document is continuously updated as new questions are received and answered. ​

Any additional questions about Farm to School spending? Please feel free to contact us at​​​

Reporting Deadlines

9/29/23 - *New Sponsors (entities that are participating in the grant for the first time).* New sponsors need to complete a Baseline Report before submitting their first claims for the 2023-2025 biennium. A pdf of the Baseline Report is also available for review should it be helpful before submitting answers online.​ 

*Returning Sponsors (entities that partcipated in the grant during the 2021-2023 biennium)* Returning sponsors need to complete a Final Report before submitting any claims for the 2023-2025 biennium. A pdf copy of the final report is available for review should it be helpful before submitting answers online.​ ​​​

Progress Repo​rt:  (new process!)  This Fall, a representative from the Evaluation Team will contact you to schedule a very short interview, that will take place of the cumbersome surveymonkey tool that we've done in the past.

Final Report: During the Fall of 2025, the same process as the above progress report will happen.​​​​​​